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Six Ways to Be a Better Boat Builder
Christopher A. Mattson offers six ways to build spiritual boats that will carry us through life's journey, no matter the situation.
Bound Securely to the Savior
President Johnson gives examples from her life on how to become "bound securely to the Savior" so that we can withstand the storms of life.
How I Became a Seeker
Steven C. Harper explains how, by study and by faith, we can each become a spiritual seeker and arrive at "other side simplicity."
Choosing Who You Will Become
Alyssa M. Baer, representative of her graduating class, explains why choosing who you will become is more important than what you will do.
The Gift of Uncertainty
Can we come to see uncertainty as a positive thing? Amy Tanner explains how the gift of uncertainty can increase our hope in God’s miracles.
Stand Forever
How can we faithfully discover the answers to our difficult questions? Elder Corbridge suggests how to keep the faith when we have moments of uncertainty.
Revealing Questions
Professor Brianna M. Magnusson teaches that asking revealing questions will allow us to become familiar with receiving personal revelation.
The End of Wonder in the Age of Whatever
Michael Wesch discusses the intersection of two knowledge machines—universities and the internet—and how without questions, students cannot learn.
An Inquiring Mind and Heart
Campbell B. Gray explains how the humble and careful interpretation of artwork can also open our hearts and minds to the Spirit.
The Importance of Asking Questions
In our quest for knowledge, we must learn to ask questions - but we must learn to ask the right questions and how to find answers.
What We Believe
Robert L. Millet shares his experiences answering the most common, but often most difficult questions on what Latter-day Saints believe.
Faithful Questions: Seeking for and Being Found by Truth
Taking time to ask the right questions in prayer rather than enforcing our personal wants improves our ability to learn by the Spirit and do God’s will.
Questions and Answers
An education helps us to ask questions and find answers because we cannot truly understand the world until we bridge the gap to discovery.
“Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
Elder Perry answers questions from students about living the gospel. His overarching counsel is to choose to serve the Lord above all else.
What Is Your Mission?
Discovering your mission in life is a daunting, but not impossible task. If you trust Him and have the courage to act, God will guide and shape your life.
All Are Alike unto God
Elder McConkie testifies that the revelation extending priesthood blessings to those of all nations and races is divine and that "all are alike unto God."
What Is Man?
"What is man?" Thanks to the knowledge we have of the Plan of Salvation, we can know of our divine heritage and destiny as children of God.
Your Articles of Faith
Take a moment to reflect on your life, your strengths and your weaknesses. What does your life say about your personal articles of faith?
How to Write an Anti-Mormon Book
Learn how authors of anti-Mormon materials use specific strategies to convince readers of their trustworthiness, knowledge, and lack of bias.
The Spirit that Leads to Truth
In our quest for answers, says Elder Richard L. Evans, let us not lose the patience to wait for the right ones from the Spirit that leads to truth.