Why Our Bodies Matter in a Digital World
Amy Petersen Jensen shares examples of why our bodies matter in a digital world, citing from both personal and professional experiences.
“Yes, and . . .”: The Creative Art of Living
By recounting her late husband's legacy, Lisa Valentine Clark teaches the importance of saying "yes, and . . . " in the creative art of living.
A Novel Idea
Chris Crowe gives background on the YA novel and provides insights into how his understanding of genre influences his writing.
Quinoa and Olive Trees: Strengthening the Lord’s Vineyard
Rick Jellen uses his research on quinoa growth to discuss the allegory of the olive trees and the growing need for diversity in the Church.
The Transformative Power of Faith and Art
Janalee Emmer shares how both faith and art transform our hearts and foster empathy. Art can help us see the world from a new perspective.
Illuminated Stories
The illuminated stories of individuals throughout history show that courage and motivation to endure are required to experience greatness.
Testimony and Other “Wicked” Problems
“Wicked problems” are tricky problems with no easy answers, Eric Gillet says—much like testimony. Design thinking can help.
God is a profoundly creative being, and He has made us that way too. Creativity helps us to bring light to the world and to find joy.
Becoming a Work of Art
Like a piece of raw marble in the hands of a masterful artist, we each have the potential to become a work of art in the hands of the Lord.
The Light Through the Dark Glass
As we come to understand the Light of Christ and the Holy Ghost, we will be able to better receive guidance and direction.
Indiana Jones in the Archives: The Art and Adventure
Jenny Hale Pulsipher shares her early American stories to show how history can come alive and be an adventure no less thrilling than that of Indiana Jones.
Coaxing the Muse: Thoughts on the Creative Process
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Cultivating the Art of Reflection
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Centering the Arts in Christ
Centering the arts in Christ allows us to distinguish uplifting, edifying, and truly beautiful art and music from the degrading influences of the adversary.
Are You an Athenian or Visigoth?
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The Arts, the Sciences, and the Light of the Gospel
Daniel J. Fairbanks teaches how we can find the light of the gospel within art and science by sharing experiences and creating a sculpture.
“Watching It Rain”
David M. Randall invites us to "watch it rain," or in other words, use artwork as a means of envisioning the Savior and resisting temptation.
The Searching Mind
We should develop a searching mind informed by the gospel of Christ so we can evaluate ideas and avoid following the Korihors of the world.
Dance—The Supreme Physical Manifestation of Inner Convictions
Becoming physically healthy is an outward manifestation of inner convictions. Church members dance to communicate the sacred to the world.
Shakespeare and the Gospel
Arthur Henry King points to classic passages of Shakespeare's work to show that Shakespeare and the gospel share some important themes in common.
Soul-Butter and Hogwash: Mark Twain and Frontier Religion
Mark Twain's early experience with religion gives us insight into American history and culture and this author's life and literature.
The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord
Boyd K. Packer invites us to glorify God and invite the Spirit into our worship through reverent music and beautiful art.
Art and Culture in Everyday Life
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