Lessons on Endurance
Enduring isn’t just surviving. It includes work and effort, learning in the process, and drawing closer to God through prayer and gratitude.
“Let Us Run with Patience the Race That Is Set Before Us”
In the race of life, we can be strengthened by repenting continually, anticipating adversity, cleaving to covenants, and enduring to the end.
Christ’s Peace in Perilous Times
Elder Clark G. Gilbert explains how we can draw strength from our Savior and find Christ’s peace in perilous times.
Six Rules for Success
BYU professor Gilbert W. Fellingham presents six rules for success in life from the perspective of a statistician and coach.
Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
Deepening Discipleship
Scott D. Whiting teaches how to deepen discipleship through obedience, endurance, and service to God and our fellowmen and women.
Enduring and Trusting to the End
Estela Marquez shares her life story to show how enduring and trusting to the end enables us to overcome life's challenges.
The Path to Transformative Change
Pam Musil gives five suggestions to help make permanent change a part of your life. Her knowledge of dance greatly influences her advice.
The Y on the Mountain
The meaning of life events will be determined not so much by the events themselves, but on how we choose to view and respond to them.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
Tenacity is persistence, perseverance, and determination. Be tenacious in all good things and be tenacious when trials come.
Make a Difference in the World
Andrea Thomas teaches that doing small things and listening to those around us are easy ways to make a difference in the world.
Safely on the Lord’s Side
To be on the Lord's side, we must live with integrity, follow promptings of the Spirit, and persevere through rough waters.
Ships Are Safe in the Harbor
Ships are safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. Don’t be afraid to leave your safe harbor for the open waves of your future.
Persist Until the Clock Reads Double Zero
This graduation day, remember that until the work is truly done, until the clock reads double zero, we should never give up on worthy goals.
Till the Clock Reads Double Zero
BYU Alumni Association president Chris Feinauer reminds us never to give up, never to leave the stadium of our effort, until the clock reads double zero.
Strengthened by the Hand of the Lord
As we are strengthened by the hand of the Lord we will find the strength we need to make it through each and every one of our trials.
Guideposts for Life’s Journey
On life's journey, these four guideposts will lead us to our heavenly home: glance backwards, look heavenwards, reach outward, and press onward.
Pray Not for Light Burdens but for Strong Backs
In times of trial, the Lord will always be with us to strengthen our backs and lighten our loads. Suffering makes us stronger.
Nourishing the Tree
Just as we must nourish our physical bodies with food, we need to feed our spirits by feasting on gospel nourishment daily.
Robert K. Conlee elaborates on endurance, a principle of the gospel of Christ. Endurance involves drawing closer to God in difficult times.
Our response to adversity shapes our character. Trials are temporary, but the blessings we can receive from them are permanent.
Knowing When to Persevere and When to Change Direction
When the plan we have in mind doesn't seem to be working out, God will tell us when to persevere and when to change direction. He has a plan.
If Thou Endure Well
None of us can or will be immune from the trials of life. However, if we learn to endure our struggles well, they will be turned into blessings in eternity.
However Long and Hard the Road
However long and hard the road, we must be willing to endure with perseverance until we can claim sweet victory.
Grounded, Rooted, Established, and Settled
When the storms of life come to test our faith, we must be prepared. As a sturdy tree, be grounded, rooted, established, and settled in Jesus Christ.
Experience, Excellence, and Obedience = Character
If we strive to experience excellence and endure here on earth, we will build character that will last throughout the eternities.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
Press Forward
The Osmond family bear their testimonies, and Elder Dunn offers this message: press forward, for you never know what good your effort can do.
All must seek for visions of eternal life and live in such a way as to attain it. Do not trade your ultimate reward for temporary pleasures and comfort.