The Abundant Life
By making covenants and centering our lives in Jesus Christ, we accept the vision He has for us and choose to live an abundant life.
Flashes of Light
The Lord has asked us to walk through the darkness of mortality, but He also provides flashes of light to grow our faith and reveal the way.
Eternal Perspective Through Owning Our Testimony
Taking charge of our own testimony means partnering with the Lord to steadily grow and develop ourselves to become more refined and faithful.
“To Believe on Their Words”
“To believe on their words” doesn’t mean relying on the faith of others but borrowing a spark to light your own testimony aflame.
Testimony and Other “Wicked” Problems
“Wicked problems” are tricky problems with no easy answers, Eric Gillet says—much like testimony. Design thinking can help.
Do We Really Believe?
Discipleship means to turn to God for answers to their questions and to align their actions with their faith in order to "really believe."
Never Give Up on Your Testimony of the Gospel
To keep and strengthen your testimony, you must fight for it.
Both Feet Forward
When communicating our beliefs, we should be authentic, humble, loving and put both feet forward by bearing our testimonies unafraid.
The Heart and a Willing Mind
Donald L. Hallstrom encourages us to learn to love God with our hearts and with a willing mind, to dedicate ourselves to Him and His service.
Building upon the Rock
Elder Jay E. Jensen demonstrates the importance of building upon the rock of Jesus Christ by anchoring ourselves in His word.
An Unexpected Gift
For young Larry EchoHawk, a testimony of the Book of Mormon was an unexpected gift that continued to yield blessings throughout his life.
You will embark on many important pilgrimages throughout your life, but the most crucial will be the pilgrimage that leads to gain a testimony of Christ.
Lehi’s Dream and You
Just like in Lehi's dream, there will always be those who mock you for choosing different standards and goals. Don't let them ruin your commitment.
Building a Kauri Tree–Like Testimony
Your spiritual development, particularly the development of a firm Matiu Kauri–like testimony, will be of great value to you in perilous times.
Of This Cause I Testify
In a world where gospel standards and worldly standards are growing farther apart, it is up to us to testify of Christ in word and deed.
The Lord has placed the potential to do great things within each of us, and all we need to do is follow Him to fulfill that destiny.
Blessings of a Testimony
The blessings of a testimony of the gospel are tremendous. While these blessings are personal, here are just a few of the most impactful.
The Voice of the Spirit
It can be difficult to hear the Spirit's voice amid the noise of the world but is worth the effort to have the Spirit's guidance and peace.
Anchor to the Soul
A testimony of Jesus Christ and the restoration of His gospel will be an anchor to our souls, giving us direction and faith to weather the storms of life.
This I Believe
Gordon B. Hinckley teaches that we are largely the product of our beliefs and shares ten important things he believes.
The Testament of Bruce R. McConkie
Elder John K. Carmack pays tribute to the testimony of the late Elder Bruce R. McConkie, who "taught as one having authority" and bore witness of Christ.
“Deep Roots Are Not Reached by the Frost”
Children share many parallels with trees and plants: they have great potential for growth, and they need support to reach that potential.
“That Our Children May Know”
It is each of our responsibility to preserve generational testimony by teaching truth to our children and strengthening our families.
God’s Simple Eternal Truth
The simple eternal truth of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and has restored His Church to the earth to help us return to Him.
Who Shall Declare His Generation?
Elder McConkie offers his testimony of Christ's divine parentage. We, too, can testify of his identity as the Son of God; we can "declare his generation."
The Value of a Testimony
Take the time to develop your own testimony of the gospel. It will be most valuable to you as a missionary, a student, and in all aspects of your life.
It’s True, Isn’t It?
Pioneers early and modern have made immense sacrifices for their testimony of the gospel. They know that if it is true, little else really matters.
How to Gain a Testimony
A testimony of the gospel is essential for your eternal welfare. It is the most important type of knowledge to pursue, and as with all knowledge, requires diligence and humility.
All of the Lord’s Promises to Be Fulfilled
The Lord's promises for His Church and Kingdom are great, and we are already beginning to see some of them fulfilled.
Get Your Own Testimony
There were times that God left the Savior to fight His own battles. Likewise, He will allow you to grow through the struggle of finding your own testimony.
Ye Are the Temple of God
Each of us is a temple of God. Do not leave this university without gaining a testimony of that responsibility and becoming committed to it.
A Foundation of Revealed Truth
We should build our testimonies and lives on the foundation of revealed truth that teaches us about the nature of God and His relationship to us.
Seeking “Thick” Things
Don't get caught up in the thin things. Seek the lasting, the eternal, the valuable. Seek testimony, family, and the blessings God has for you.
Jesus the Christ—Creator and Redeemer
J Reuben Clark shares his deep and abiding testimony that Jesus Christ is our Creator and Redeemer—a testimony we all need to seek.
Testimony: A Moral Compass
A testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ will prompt you to repent when you sin. It will also give you the conviction to stand up for your beliefs.
The Lord needs more than the half-hearted faith and obedience of lukewarm disciples. Let us seek stability in our devotion to Him.
Your Living Testimony
In this brief fireside testimony, John A. Widtsoe reminds us that a testimony is living. Having one today does not mean that it will be here tomorrow.
The Law of Divine Witnesses
The law of divine witnesses adds credibility to Joseph Smith's testimony of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood.
The Value of a Testimony
A strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ takes effort—but is well worth it. Testimony can carry you through the challenges of life.