The Value of Faith in Your Education: Reflections on My 60-Year Journey
Hrabowski shares his experiences with Martin Luther King Jr., racial conflicts from his childhood, and how God helped through it all.
Fear Not and Return with Honor
We must follow Christ by exercising faith and keeping an eternal perspective to fulfill life’s mission and return with honor to our Father in Heaven.
Receiving the Gifts of God
Choosing to live humbly, look up to God, and receive deeply of His many blessings will allow us to more fully develop the gifts of God.
Choose to Be Humble
President Worthen teaches us that by choosing to be humble, we can enhance our spiritual and secular lives.
Take Heed and Go Forth
"Take heed and go forth" means be humble and teachable in all aspects of life and know that God will provide the opportunities to learn.
Humility, Hope, and the Work of Becoming Educated
Using lessons from America's history, Drew Faust teaches the role of humility and hope in both becoming educated and understanding death.
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
“Broke” Hearts and Contrite Spirits
L. Todd Budge explains the four steps to a "broke" heart and contrite spirit. We must desire, inquire, require, and retire.
Wrestling with Comparisons
Life is not a race. Treating it as so will stunt our spiritual growth. The only comparisons that we need to make are those with our past self.
The Economics of Goodness
A honorary BYU doctorate recipient imagines a world governed by the economics of goodness, where our character can solve society's ills.
Humbly Combining Heart and Mind
Both heart and mind can be instruments for the Holy Ghost to teach us God's will, if we are humble enough to listen for His counsel.
Choose to Be a Leader
The humility to learn from mistakes, to learn from the examples of others, and to choose peace in difficult moments, is the essence of good leadership.
Being in Tune: Minimizing Interference Beats
Following the prophets and avoiding pride and contention minimize the interference beats that stop us from being in harmony with the Spirit.
“For When I Am Weak, Then Am I Strong”
As you build on strengths and weaknesses, make sure to recognize limitations, remain faithful to covenants, and trust the Lord.
It sometimes takes humility to accept love from others, but as we do, we are blessed with more opportunities to serve and be served.
Our Moral Test
This life is a moral test in which we all have infinite potential. As we achieve and progress, we must be humble and realize how much more we have to learn.
“Are Ye Stripped of Pride?”
Beware the dangerous universal sin of pride that can come in adversity or prosperity. Our heart must be full of the Spirit and not set upon worldly things.
Who Will Bear Reproof?
We have within our own sphere of influence [a] sacred . . . duty to seek and speak the truth in love and courage and to submit in meekness to inspired counsel.
The Lord Thy God Shall Lead Thee by the Hand
No matter what challenges we face, the Lord will lead us to help us overcome difficulties and guide us when we are faced with decisions.
Be Honest, Be Pure, Be Humble
Elder Jack H. Goaslind offers the admonition to be honest, be pure, and be humble. In other words, be your best self.
Bright Minds and Broken Hearts
Cheryl Brown teaches that humility is a key component to the bright minds and broken hearts we need for temporal and spiritual learning.
Yielding Our Hearts to God
Elder Spencer J. Condie relates examples of humble individuals who know that yielding our hearts to the Lord is well worth the sacrifice.
Lessons from the Potter and the Clay
If we allow ourselves to be molded by His loving hands, Heavenly Father will be our Potter. He can make more of us than we can dream.
“The Doer of Our Deeds and the Speaker of Our Words”
As we focus on humbling ourselves and having faith in the Lord, we will find relief from the stress that comes from pursuing self-esteem.
Waiting upon the Lord
To bring down the power of heaven, we must learn the principle of waiting upon the Lord through real prayer, righteous living, and fervent listening.
What Is True Greatness?
True greatness is not a one-time achievement: it requires many correct, everyday choices between good and evil.
Thy Will Be Done
No matter what trials and tribulations come our way, we must develop the faith to be able to say to our Heavenly Father, "Thy will be done."
Meekly Drenched in Destiny
Meekness does not oppose boldness. It means to speak up without speaking down. It means to depend upon the Lord. It means to become like the Savior.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
Let us not forget to be humble, to remember where our blessings, gifts, and accomplishments really come from. Humility will bring us closer to Christ.