Becoming God’s Peculiar Treasure
We become God’s peculiar treasure by obeying His voice and keeping His covenants, including those in the temple endowment and marriage.
Choosing God’s Best Blessings: Family
The greatest gifts from God come from the Abrahamic covenant and the new and everlasting covenant: the blessings of families.
Mammon or Marriage?
While many search for happiness through financial or career success, being married and having a family increases overall happiness more.
Designed for Covenant Relationships
Entering into covenant relationships while we are on earth helps us to experience the truest intimacy—the perfect love the Father has for us.
Great Expectations
Quentin L. Cook counsels the rising generation on how to live up to the expectations of their Heavenly parents in order to obtain joy.
“As I Have Loved You”: Agency-Based Love in Dating and Marriage
Dr. Jason Carroll discusses why we should remember that love is a fruit of good relationships, not the root. He encourages Christlike behavior in dating.
The Experience of Love and the Limitations of Psychological Explanation
The common Cartesian, egoistic theories in psychology fall short when describing the unselfish, gracious, and unexplainable phenomenon of love.
Disciples of Jesus Christ—Defenders of Marriage
Family life will be your most enduring reward. Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will be called upon as defenders of marriage and family.
Marriage, Family Law, and the Temple
In a world where family ideals gravitate toward convenience, Elder Hafen reminds us of the order of marriage taught in the Lord's temples.
To Have Peace and Happiness
Why is marriage important? Elder Scott testifies of the blessings of marriage and temple covenants through interviewing a young couple.
Repentance and Forgiveness in Marriage
The eternal principles of repentance and forgiveness build strong and happy relationships in marriage. Learn to say "I'm sorry" and to let go of resentment.
Unlocking the Door to the Blessings of Abraham
You can prepare for eternal marriage now by serving, sharing the gospel, doing temple and family history work, and being wise as you date.
A Gospel of Relationships
It is important to build loving relationships, with all the real and complex elements of love, instead of competing with or judging others.
Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Celestial Marriage
In a time where hooking up is more popular than dating, Dr. Chadwick gives vital advice on how to make and keep righteous relationships.
The Right Person, the Right Place, the Right Time
Marriage can be an intimidating decision, but we have been given all we need to find the right person, the right time, and the right place for us.
How Do I Love Thee?
In all relationships, but especially in romance, charity - including selflessness, kindness, tolerance, and support - is the love that "never faileth."
Marriage Is Ordained of God
Marriage is ordained of God and is the first bond of society. In a world where marriage is being discredited, be the difference and make it a priority.
Some of BYU’s Responses to “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”
BYU’s response to the “The Family” proclamation includes classes, research, and majors that help students prepare for their future families.
The Eternal Family
When we know that the marriage and family have eternal purposes, we are more motivated to treat those relationships with care.
“Loving with the Spirit and with the Understanding”
With a testimony of the potential of marriage and family happiness, we are capable of loving with the spirit and with understanding.
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
Love and Marriage
Divorce is, sadly, all too common. Elder Burton's speech focuses on the great love story of Adam and Eve and how to keep your marriage strong.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh”
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan.
Some Things We Have Learned—Together
Jeffrey and Patricia Holland share the lessons they have learned in their marriage, with great counsel for developing healthy relationships.
Ten Keys to Successful Dating and Marriage Relationships
Marriage is key for our exaltation, but successful marriages do not come without hard work. Elder Pinnock offers ten suggestions for happier marriages.
“And the Greatest of These Is Love”
Love is not just an investment; it is an adventure. It is not an idyllic dream; it happens. President Hinckley reminds us of the sacred nature of love.
Celestial Marriage
Everything we do in this life, especially living worthy of a celestial marriage, prepares us to become like our Father in Heaven.
Celestial Marriage—A Little Heaven on Earth
Celestial marriage is one of God's greatest blessings; however, it requires humility and diligence to prepare for and create a happy, eternal family.
Marriage and Divorce
Spencer W. Kimball explains how divorce shows we must better understand marriage, the selflessness it requires, and the joy it brings.
Marriage is Honorable
The Lord has instituted marriage for our happiness and for the well-being of children. Prepare now to marry and to make your marriage eternal and strong.
Agency or Inspiration—Which?
Do we simply use our agency or do we rely on inspiration from God? We can't move forward without either when we counsel with the Lord.
Eternal Marriage
An eternal marriage is worth every effort it requires. Don't allow selfishness, petty grievances, or pride to stifle your family's happiness.
Choose an Eternal Companion
The most important decision you can make in this life is choosing your eternal companion. Don’t settle for less than eternity.
Commitment to Temple Marriage
Commitment to temple marriage begins with dating worthy Saints. As you date, consider the covenants you intend to make and the home you wish to have.
New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage
If we want our marriage to last beyond this life, we must be faithful to the new and everlasting covenant of marriage we've made with our spouse and God.
Building An Eternal Home
An eternal home is one where eternal covenants are made and kept. Strive for a temple marriage, and treasure your spouse and children.
Celestial Marriage
The love of a celestial marriage can be powerful enough to overcome the trials of life, and even to overcome death itself.
Five Ideals Contributing to a Happy and Enduring Marriage
President David O. McKay provides five ideals for a happy and enduring marriage during a Brigham Young University devotional address.
Eternal Marriage
Indescribable blessings come from eternal marriage. This speaker reminds young adults that temple marriage is an essential part of their journey to God.
Whom Shall I Marry?
Why is it important to marry in the faith, and in the temple? Because blessings await our families that can be found only through eternal covenants.