The Essential Brotherhood We All Share
It is critical that we preserve our own faith and values but also that we care for a bigger community. We are all brothers and sisters.
Finding Wonder in Remote Places
We can gain greater knowledge, joy, knowledge, and understanding by cultivating sources of wonder in our lives.
Your Path of Discipleship
Your path to discipleship must include knowing and valuing who you are, seeing and loving others, and choosing to serve throughout your life.
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
We can become peacemakers to those around us by emulating the Savior and becoming representatives of the Prince of Peace.
Persevere in Unity
Kevin J Worthen emphasizes the importance of embracing unity, diversity, and love in the face COVID-19 and other current-day challenges.
Looking to the Margins: Creating Belonging
Phillip Rash discusses how working together and creating a sense of belonging will help include those who feel left in the margins.
“Sticks in a Bundle Are Unbreakable”
Jonathan O. Hafen, BYU Alumni Association president, tells Spring 2019 graduates that we are happier with strong personal connections and friendship.
More Love, Less Contempt
Arthur C. Brooks teaches that the problem in today’s society isn't anger, but contempt. And contempt can only be solved with love.
Seeing the Divinity in Others
Knowing that everyone is a child of God influences our behavior. By seeing the divinity in others, we behave as disciples of Christ.
A Holier Approach to Ministering
Elder Neil L. Andersen explains how the shift from home and visiting teaching to ministering helps us rethink the way we love and serve.
Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
Let’s Not Leave Jonny Behind
One of the most important lessons we can take from BYU is to sacrifice for one another. Don't leave Jonny behind. Some races are better finished together.
Listen, Lift, Rescue
If we are willing to listen, we can become instruments in the Lord's hands to lift and rescue others through an act of kindness or by sharing our talents.
Orson Hyde, the Holy Land, and Brigham Young University
The Church's involvement in the Holy Land, including the BYU Jerusalem Center, is motivated by the knowledge that God loves all His children.
“And They Did Fellowship One with Another”
There may be lonely individuals around us. To feel true happiness, fellowship or befriend others and serve them.
“Let Us Think Straight”
We are in a day and a time when we must stand in unity to defend Christ. Women possess unique abilities to defend our Savior with power.
Why We Are Organized into Quorums and Relief Societies
Quorums and Relief Societies provide refuges from the world and engage members in the work of salvation. They are a means for God to accomplish His work.
Brotherly Love
We must truly understand what it means to love our brothers and our sisters, not just our earthly family, but our family of Christ.
The Weight of the World
Everyone faces challenges, and Stice shows how we can help those who, for a time, are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.
The BYU Experience
What do you have here that is different? I hope the BYU experience will cause you to take on those qualities that will make of you a true disciple of Jesus.
One by One
The Savior performed the Atonement for us one by one. We develop an individual relationship with Him through prayer, study, and loving others.
Charity in the Community of Saints
We should strive to be filled with more love and charity toward one another in our homes, our classes, and our communities.
“We, Being Many, Are One”
We can learn to embrace our diversity and use it to enhance our unity as members of Christ's church so that, as Paul says, "we, being many, are one body."
Hand in Hand: Breaking Barriers
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Them and Us
When we think of people in terms of "them and us," we fail to love individuals. The Savior shows us how to love His children rather than judge a label.
“I Receive You to Fellowship”
In this BYU community of students and Saints, let us foster an environment of fellowship as we learn, work, and serve together.
Differences . . . “Allow All Men the Same Privilege”
Differences in religion, personality, and nationality can lead us to criticize others, but we should be tolerant and love everyone.
Pioneer Legacy: Our Brothers’ Keepers
Brigham Young's admonition to the Saints to bring in the pioneers suffering on the plains was a reminder to us all: we are our Brother’s Keeper.
“All Are Alike unto God”
When it comes to race and color, we are all Heavenly Father's children and He loves us equally. There is nor room for prejudice among God's children.
All Are Alike unto God
Elder McConkie testifies that the revelation extending priesthood blessings to those of all nations and races is divine and that "all are alike unto God."
Without Prejudice, Without Bigotry
A grateful as we are for the gospel, let us never fall into the trap of bigotry and prejudice that would tempt us to think we are better than others.
Blessings We Receive Through Membership in the Church
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