Flashes of Light
The Lord has asked us to walk through the darkness of mortality, but He also provides flashes of light to grow our faith and reveal the way.
Making Something Out of You
The challenges and difficulties you face in your life are making something out of you through the effect you have on others.
Walking Each Other Home
"Walking each other home" means to reach out and serve those around us, whether we know them or not, in every way we can.
Finding Your Community
We can do our part to create a beloved and hopeful community through everyday acts and acceptance of others.
In Awe: The Astonishing Goodness of God
John B. Bingham invites us to contemplate the goodness of God in awe by acting to believe, recording experiences, and seeking "thin" places.
Humility, Hope, and the Work of Becoming Educated
Using lessons from America's history, Drew Faust teaches the role of humility and hope in both becoming educated and understanding death.
The Process and Power of Hope
Kevin J Worthen discusses hope in both a worldly and gospel context. Gospel-centered hope can purify us and prepare us for eternal life.
“Could We Have Supposed?”
The Lord directs our lives in ways that we could not have supposed, and we can see this in our personal experiences and in the scriptures.
“The Undiscover’d Country”: Navigating Toward the Future
Professor Chris Crowe uses experiences from his own life to teach that prayer is our key to navigating toward the future.
Where Your Heart Is
Brent H. Nielson asks graduates to evaluate the condition of their hearts, for "where your heart is, there will your treasure be also."
Banishing All Shadows
In this commencement address, Holland declares that the light of God's love is powerful enough to banish all shadows and forces of darkness.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
Elections, Hope, and Freedom
In coming elections and at all times, we ought to communicate with kindness, maintain hope for the future, and defend religious freedom.
Hope As an Anchor of Our Souls
Alan R. Harker speaks about the power of hope as an anchor for our souls, especially in the times of our greatest suffering.
“The Assurance of Things Hoped For”
Through revelation, we can receive a high degree of assurance of things hoped for.
We Believe in You
Terry R. Seamons, president of the BYU Alumni Association of the time, reminds the class of 2014 to stay connected to BYU after they graduate.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
The Most Important Three Things in the World
Faith, hope, and charity are like a three-legged stool, each equally important to support us in our journey to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
Faith, Hope, and You
Richard C. Edgley talks about the powerful, personal force of hope that is rooted in faith in the Atonement. With Christ, we can truly hope for all things.
“Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ”
David Kooyman teaches that hope in Christ is based on experience and knowledge. If we remain steadfast in following the Lord, He'll bless us.
Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast
When we are tempted to be overcome by the terror of the last days, may we remember the faith of past prophets—and of God—in us.
Hope for Peace
Just hours after the 9/11 attacks, President Bateman offers a message about the hope and peace that come from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence”
Trust in a perfect God gives us the confidence to act in faith, even when faced with difficult decisions or paralyzing fear.
Inertia, Entropy, and Good Cheer
The physical principles of inertia and entropy are strikingly relevant to our spiritual lives, as is the admonition to "be of good cheer."
“A More Excellent Hope”
We yearn for hope not just in this life but for eternity. Our hope is bolstered by understanding faith and charity, the pure love of Christ.
An Anchor to the Souls of Men
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have every reason to rejoice with hope despite the despair and discouragement that surrounds us.
Build Your Understanding
Building our understanding is like building a temple: we must follow a plan from Heavenly Father, line upon line and precept upon precept.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
Never Give Up!
When school, the weather, or life in general leaves you in a state of the "blahs," reach up. Reach out. Learn. And never, never give up.
A Four-Fold Hope
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