“Choose You This Day”—“Think Celestial”
We can choose to think celestial every day by praying, reading the scriptures, and serving others, even if we have made mistakes in the past.
Choices for Eternity: Prophetic Counsel
Expanding on the prophetic counsel of President Russell M. Nelson, Kevin J Worthen teaches how to choose our own destinies.
Conquering Life’s Daily Distractions
We can overcome the daily distractions in our lives by focusing our efforts on long-term goals and righteous endeavors.
Of Cookies and Judgments
Sister Peggy S. Worthen shares the dangers of being too quick to judge and how the Spirit can help us overcome this habit.
Great Expectations
Quentin L. Cook counsels the rising generation on how to live up to the expectations of their Heavenly parents in order to obtain joy.
“Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
Elder James B. Martino discusses the power that agency brings to our lives. You alone can choose "whom ye will serve."
“Could We Have Supposed?”
The Lord directs our lives in ways that we could not have supposed, and we can see this in our personal experiences and in the scriptures.
“Look unto Him in Every Thought”
We are all enticed and tempted by our surroundings. It is through our agency that we respond to enticements in a way that helps us become more like Christ.
Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
Real Causes and Real Effects
Our search for "why" sometimes leads to false causes and effects. The Holy Ghost, teaches Vorkink, helps us draw the right, real conclusions - or let it go.
Finding Your Way
We can safely travel life’s journey by relying on the maps of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets and the compass of the Holy Ghost. God’s plan and desire is that we all successfully reach our destination.
We Believe in You
Terry R. Seamons, president of the BYU Alumni Association of the time, reminds the class of 2014 to stay connected to BYU after they graduate.
“Nevertheless I Went Forth”
Be confident that the Savior will fulfill His promise to lead you to an abundant life, even when the immediate path sometimes seems uncertain.
Recognizing and Responding to the Promptings of the Spirit
As we learn and understand the Lord’s pattern for communicating with us, those small, melodic tones of the Spirit will lead us to the Savior.
Persistence, Patience, and Posies
Our plans and goals may change or be difficult to reach, but if we are persistent and patient, we can find joy and progress.
The Courage to Choose Wisely
We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. Make decisions and seek the Lord’s confirmation.
The Choices Before You
Moving forward with your lives, you will face opposition. The choices you make, if guided by the Spirit, will help you benefit from all your experiences.
Zion Is the Pure in Heart
Elaine S. Dalton brings a call to lead the world in a return to virtue. Those who are pure in heart are the building blocks of Zion.
Decision Making—The Lord’s Way
Steven C. Wheelwright teaches how decision making the Lord's way works. Agency, humility, gratitude, and faith are all key to the process.
Our Divine Nature and Life Decisions
While genetics are important to understanding human development, our personalities come from the premortal life and are for us to discover.
Live Right Now
As we make important decisions, we must find the balance between seeking the Lord's guidance and having the courage to make our own choices.
Decisions Determine Destiny
We must choose our friends with caution, plan our futures with purpose, and frame our lives with faith. Our decisions determine destiny.
Decisiveness in the Face of Uncertainty: The Basis of Progress
Becoming decisive is part of our spiritual growing up. This growing up requires constant decision making. We must learn to be decisive, because indecision is no choice at all. If we fail to choose, we fail to act.
Discerning the Will of the Lord for Me
Lanae Valentine teaches strategies that improve our ability to discern the will of the Lord. He is eager to answer us if we will listen.
Living Right
BYU graduates are counseled to live right and be obedient to the Spirit. Integrity is the bedrock of character.
Life’s Greatest Decisions
Three of the greatest decisions we make in life are: What will be my faith? Whom shall I marry? What will be my life's work?
Making the Right Choices
Resolve that each moment of your life will reflect your determination to humbly be an example of righteousness, integrity, and conviction.
“Choose You This Day”
Choosing the Lord is both a daily and a lifelong task. In mortality we simply never arrive. We must diligently endure to the end every day.
Have No Regrets
Richard G. Scott uses object lessons to illustrate the principles of trust and discernment. He admonishes listeners to live with no regrets.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Keeping an Open Mind about Things that Matter
When we judge too soon, we hurt others and we miss out on great opportunities. Especially when meeting other people, it is important to keep an open mind.
“Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
Elder Perry answers questions from students about living the gospel. His overarching counsel is to choose to serve the Lord above all else.
Let Us Think Straight
Future world and Church leaders must learn early to weigh decisions, use common sense, and invest in the future - in other words, to think straight.
The Gift of Knowing
As we seek the influence of the Holy Ghost, we will have the gift of knowing how to balance our time and what to do when we face important decisions.
Decisions Determine Our Destiny
Decisions determine our actions, our habits, our character, and our destiny. Are you making decisions that will help you end up where you want to go?
What Is Your Mission?
Discovering your mission in life is a daunting, but not impossible task. If you trust Him and have the courage to act, God will guide and shape your life.
Love Is Not Blind: Some Thoughts for College Students on Faith and Ambiguity
We face ambiguity when reality does not meet the ideal. Faith and ambiguity are both possible once we learn that to God, love is not blind, but bound.
When we have important decisions to make, the counsel of prophets and the power of prayer, together with the will to act, will guide us to our potential.
Living More Abundantly in Today’s World
Thank you, President Oaks. One is honored to be asked to speak to a devotional assembly, especially when his journey has left most of his footprints in the sands of time. I appreciate the prayer that was offered by Brother Skousen, the son of Karl Skousen, an outstanding scholar and a wonderful man, and I pray that the Lord will respond to that prayer in this period that we have…
Feed My Sheep
I feel about as out of place as a rabbi in the mission home to be in this position. I have been here at BYU for fifteen years and have seen some outstanding speakers and heard some great sermons preached from this and other pulpits for devotional assemblies. When the President’s office called and asked if I would fulfill this particular assignment, I searched in vain for excuses but could…
Commitment to Temple Marriage
Commitment to temple marriage begins with dating worthy Saints. As you date, consider the covenants you intend to make and the home you wish to have.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.