

Finding Your Way

We can safely travel life’s journey by relying on the maps of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets and the compass of the Holy Ghost. God’s plan and desire is that we all successfully reach our destination.

Living More Abundantly in Today’s World

Thank you, President Oaks. One is honored to be asked to speak to a devotional assembly, especially when his journey has left most of his footprints in the sands of time. I appreciate the prayer that was offered by Brother Skousen, the son of Karl Skousen, an outstanding scholar and a wonderful man, and I pray that the Lord will respond to that prayer in this period that we have…

Feed My Sheep

I feel about as out of place as a rabbi in the mission home to be in this position. I have been here at BYU for fifteen years and have seen some outstanding speakers and heard some great sermons preached from this and other pulpits for devotional assemblies. When the President’s office called and asked if I would fulfill this particular assignment, I searched in vain for excuses but could…