Why Institutions Matter
Institutions should be formative not performative, providing structure and purpose. Strengthening them will combat America's social crisis.
“The Pursuit of Happiness”
As we study the Constitution and spend time reading, we can cultivate virtue and learn what the Founders meant by the “pursuit of happiness.”
Why America Went Crazy and How You Can Stay Sane
As followers of Christ we must reach out with friendship and unconditional love to combat the hatred and loneliness prevalent in America.
America’s Upswing
Many Americans worry about our country's future, but change is possible. History shows us what we can do to get America back on an upswing.
Overcoming Political Tribalism
Amy Chua shares insight about why political tribalism exists and then suggests how we might move forward toward a brighter future.
Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ
Ryan Gabriel explains how following Jesus Christ can help the United States begin healing from racism and can eventually change the world.
The Macroeconomic, Geopolitical, and Social Trends Defining Our World
Dambisa Moyo explains the impacts of macroeconomic, geopolitical, and social trends that are prevalent today, especially the decrease of GDP.
The Education of the American Mind
Melody Barnes speaks about the compatibility of science and faith while exploring what it means to educate the American mind.
Creating Justice
“Our hope is our superpower. Hope is what gets you to stand up when other people want you to sit down. Hope is what gets you to speak when others tell you to be quiet. Hope is the way the world changes.”
Where Do We Go from Here? Chaos or Community
Dr. Clayborne Carson, Stanford University Historian, shares some personal insights from the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Religious Freedom—A Cherished Heritage to Defend
Religious freedom is crucial for our nation. By being informed, speaking up, and getting involved, we can preserve religious freedom for everyone of faith.
Does the Constitution Still Matter?
Mickey Edwards shares insights on the importance of the Constitution. He also answers a vital question: Does the Constitution still matter today?
The Founding Fathers of 1787: Lessons in Political…
Richard R. Beeman discusses the most influential people from the Constitutional Convention and how their work contributed to the America we know today.
The Hard Work of Understanding the Constitution
Though understanding the Constitution can be complex, it is the responsibility of each citizen to read and analyze this document closely.
Faith and the Public Square
America's freedom of religion allows us to be judged in the public square by our character, not prejudiced against because of our faith.
Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?
Scholar Jeremy Black presents the question of whether or not the British could have won the American Revolution, detailing what would have made it possible.
Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War
Award-winning author Nathaniel Philbrick discusses some of the often untold sides to the story of the Mayflower.
The Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution
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Year of the Constitution
We hope you will study seriously and with great effort both the Constitution and your other course work. More important, in all that you expect of yourselves, be sure that you do not neglect your private and personal prayers, your scripture study, or your appropriate acts of anonymous service as well as the public manifestations you make of your devotion to God and country.
An Unexpected Gift
For young Larry EchoHawk, a testimony of the Book of Mormon was an unexpected gift that continued to yield blessings throughout his life.
The Glorious Cause of America
David McCullough emphasizes the importance of learning the stories of brave men and women who made the glorious cause of America a reality.
Achieving and Preserving the Promise of America
Larry EchoHawk, as a Native American BYU law professor and attorney general of Idaho, shares his experience and vision of the promise of America for all.
Responsibilites of Citizenship
The responsibilities of citizenship extend to all Latter-day Saints. We must do our part in "honoring, obeying, and sustaining the law."
Our Need for True Patriotism
In this 1993 Provo Freedom Festival fireside, Neal A. Maxwell calls for true patriotism: living so that we create a better country for future generations.
Provo 1992 Freedom Festival Fireside
We cannot abandon religious freedom, including the influence of religious morality, without jeopardizing the ideals upon with this country was founded.
The Constitution and the Restoration
President Lee unfolds the story and attributes of the U.S. Constitution and its significance for Latter-day Saints seeking to be good citizens.
Religion and the Constitution
The relationship between religion and the United States constitution has an interesting and complicated history with important implications.
Truth and Liberty
The Constitution was written through divine inspiration. We are blessed by our freedoms and are responsible for ensuring liberty continues.
The Constitution—A Heavenly Banner
The Constitution of the United States is divinely inspired. We ought to learn of it, to be grateful for it, and to defend it.
The Heritage of Our Summer Holidays
As we celebrate the various summer holidays, we must remember the heritage they commemorate and determine to preserve the gifts we’ve been given.
America: Three Great Gifts
L. Tom Perry delivers a patriotic fireside address recounting the history of America and the great gifts that its founding has brought.
America 1776–1976
President Wilkinson compares the values of the founding fathers with the changing cultural values of America in the 20th century.
America—World Leader
For America to become the world leader it was destined by God to be, we must do our part to be obedient to His commandments.
America’s Fate and Ultimate Destiny
Marion G. Romney explains how obedience to covenants determines our fate. America has always been a land of promise for those who follow Him.
The Church and the American Bicentennial
This bicentennial celebration gives us opportunity to reflect on the inspired founding of America and on what we want its future to be.
America—The Land of Promise
America is a land of opportunity. Be grateful for this land of promise. It has a rich history, and we can help it to have a bright future.
The Presidency: A View from the White House
Roger B. Porter shares his personal experiences of working in the White House.
The Land Choice Above All
God has given us this land, America, as a land choice above all. But its greatness lies in the degree to which we give of our blessings to the world.
Power, Separation, Use, Respect, and Restraint
Increasing influence of the Supreme Court on national policy is one example of a delicate balance in the separation of powers in U.S. law and government.
This Nation Shall Endure
The ideals underlying the founding documents of the United States are God-given. We must be grateful for and protect our freedom.
Patriotism Is of God
The founding of America was made a possibility by divine direction from above. May we proudly remember that patriotism is of God.
Political Thought and Life of J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
Marion G. Romney gives an overview and compilation of the political thought of J. Reuben Clark, Jr., a prominent attorney, civil servant, and BYU leader.
The American Challenge
The American challenge today is to win back and defend morality, freedom from excessive government control, and patriotism.
America is a land of opportunity and freedom for which we owe great gratitude. Take advantage of your blessings here, and seek to contribute to your nation.
The Book of Mormon Warns America
The Book of Mormon is especially applicable to the struggles we face in America today. Pay attention to its warnings about freedom and government.
Our Divine Destiny
Mark E. Petersen shares some thoughts about our divine destiny and responsibility both as Americans and as Latter-day Saints.
The Lamanite: Their Burden, Our Burden
The Lamanite, or Native American peoples, have had a difficult and oppressed history. It is our responsibility to support and help them.
As I See It
In this classic speech given in 1959, Carl Euehner shares his opinions about the United States and some foreign relations.
Constitution and Its Signers
The Constitution of the United States is an inspired document penned by remarkable men. Let us study and give thanks for and preserve its principles.
America, a Land of Promise
The Lord has preserved these American continents as a land of promise. We ought to have a special gratitude and responsibility for our part in this land.
Responsibilites of Citizenship
The responsibilities of citizenship are great, and we cannot neglect them. Be the kind of person that makes America a better place.
Protecting Political Freedom
As the central government's power ever increases, we must protect our political freedom and show that we will take a stand as members of the Church.