Beautiful Babies Blessing the World
God doesn't use big battalions of soldiers to accomplish His purposes; He sends beautiful babies who go on to bless the world.
Receiving the Gifts of God
Choosing to live humbly, look up to God, and receive deeply of His many blessings will allow us to more fully develop the gifts of God.
Pointing Our Souls to Christ
By “Pointing Our Souls to Christ,” we gain divine help and develop a closeness to Him that strengthens us on our journey to our Heavenly home.
We Need an Endowment
The endowment we receive from the Lord is not just for the temple but to help and bless us throughout our lives in a troubled world.
In Awe: The Astonishing Goodness of God
John B. Bingham invites us to contemplate the goodness of God in awe by acting to believe, recording experiences, and seeking "thin" places.
Divinely Appointed Responsibilities, Heavenly Blessings
Elder Gary E. Stevenson highlights the heavenly blessings we have received to help us with our divinely appointed responsibilities.
“Could We Have Supposed?”
The Lord directs our lives in ways that we could not have supposed, and we can see this in our personal experiences and in the scriptures.
Prophetic Invitations and Promised Blessings
Why is following the prophet so important? Elder Bennett shares the blessings he and his wife have experienced from following the prophet's invitation.
The Lord’s Hand in Our Lives
The Lord’s hand in our lives can be gentle and almost imperceptible, but we shouldn’t forget that the good things in our lives come from Him.
Gospel Gifts
Gospel gifts typify the Savior and can be given to us by God or others. It is our responsibility to receive and keep them with gratitude.
“A Law . . . upon Which All Blessings Are Predicated”
We receive blessings when we strive to follow God's lawful commandments. We should always remember to express gratitude for these blessings.
Temple Blessings
The blessings of temple ordinances are sacred and eternal, and essential. Prepare now to make and keep temple covenants.
A Promise and a Blessing
Graduates are promised that if they keep commandments, they will be healthy and blessed with happiness as they live the gospel.
The Natural Law of Blessings
R. Kent Crookston discusses the natural law of blessings. When we are obedient to God's laws, blessings will follow.
Identity, Priority, and Blessings
Blessings come when we recognize our identity as covenant children of God, and when we make the Lord—and family—our top priority.
The Best Gifts
We have been blessed with priceless gifts—life, family, friends, and the gospel. We will be happiest if we recognize and share those blessings.
The Fruits of Obedience
Many fruits come from obedience: peace, discipline, the capacity to work, love of service, confidence, and character.
The Christ-Focused Beatitudes
The beatitudes that Christ taught in His Sermon on the Mount are the map that we must follow for a Christlike life.
If Thou Endure Well
None of us can or will be immune from the trials of life. However, if we learn to endure our struggles well, they will be turned into blessings in eternity.
On Giving and Getting
In life's opportunities for giving and getting, let us be more concerned with giving. Nothing worth getting comes without work and sacrifice.
A Law of Increasing Returns
Much less known than the economic law of decreasing returns is the spiritual law of increasing returns. Working and waiting are worth the blessings.
Count Your Blessings
Elder Jager lists just some of the blessings we receive by being part of BYU. Count your blessings frequently, and strive to live up to them.
Patriarchal Blessings
Strive to live worthy of the blessings you were given in your patriarchal blessings. Your spiritual lineage is a heritage of faith and trust.
“Is It Worth It?”
As we face the challenges of living the gospel, we may often ask ourselves, "Is it worth it?" The blessings of eternal life ARE worth it.
The Blessings of Adversity
There is a necessary refining process in adversity which increases our understanding, enhances our sensitivity, and makes us more Christlike.
Principles with a Promise
Just like the law of gravity, there are laws that the Lord has put in place to guide and direct His children back to Him.
The Blessing of Commandments
Keeping the commandments means more than following certain rules. We must learn how to repent, accept challenges from God's servants, and give our best.
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
As you seek to serve the Lord, focus less on the position of your calling and more on becoming and offering your best self.
Blessings Through the Law
To receive the blessing of eternal life, we must obey God’s laws and keep the covenants we have made with Him.
Making Your Calling and Election Sure
Making our calling and election "sure" is about securing the blessings we have been promised by keeping our covenants with God.
Blessings of an Honest Tithe
Though tithing is a sound financial principle, the blessings of paying an honest tithe go far beyond the temporal and extend into the eternities.
Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity
God has promised that adversity and affliction are temporary—but the blessings and growth that can come from them are eternal.
Blessings We Receive Through Membership in the Church
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The Consequences of Conversion
Conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ has lifelong consequences. To receive these blessings, become truly converted and then help others.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.