Bound Securely to the Savior
President Johnson gives examples from her life on how to become "bound securely to the Savior" so that we can withstand the storms of life.
Deepening Discipleship
Scott D. Whiting teaches how to deepen discipleship through obedience, endurance, and service to God and our fellowmen and women.
“Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
Elder James B. Martino discusses the power that agency brings to our lives. You alone can choose "whom ye will serve."
The Path to Transformative Change
Pam Musil gives five suggestions to help make permanent change a part of your life. Her knowledge of dance greatly influences her advice.
Prophetic Invitations and Promised Blessings
Why is following the prophet so important? Elder Bennett shares the blessings he and his wife have experienced from following the prophet's invitation.
Cybersecurity and Spiritual Safety
To have spiritual safety we must be in tune with the Holy Ghost, be aware of fake happiness, keep a current temple recommend, and pray.
Constructing Spiritual Stability
To build a foundation of spiritual stability, build it on Christ through obeying, heeding counsel and learning, and serving others.
Hold Tight to the Iron Rod
As we hold fast to the iron rod, through righteous and humble obedience, we can taste the sweet joy of the Atonement that God is anxious for us to enjoy.
The Watchman on the Tower
The Watchman on the Tower is the story of a loving nobleman who instructs his servant to watch over his olive trees. This story has great application today.
What is it That We Honor?
Why is the Honor Code important? While we must focus on the more important aspects of it, we cannot afford to ignore the "little things" too.
The Savior’s Example in Doing the Father’s Will
The Savior set the perfect example in doing the Father’s will. We strive to do His will as we move forward in faith on our personal journeys.
Faith means trust—trust in God’s will and timing. We must not try, in our personal lives or in building His kingdom, to impose our timetable on His.
A Promise and a Blessing
Graduates are promised that if they keep commandments, they will be healthy and blessed with happiness as they live the gospel.
“Bind Yourselves to Act in All Holiness”
I must admit to feeling a little out of place here this morning. This call to speak today reminds me of the Texan who went to an Oklahoma wedding. When the minister asked if anyone could think of any reasons why this couple should not be married, the Texan stood up and said, “Well, no, I can’t think of any reason for these two kids not to get married, but…
“To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice”
In a world where morality is changing, the truths and commandments of God are unchanging. We must always keep God's commandments.
Crossing the Street of Life
Obedience, among other things, provides us with a grace period. We go forward with a sense of duty before we have all the answers.
The Fruits of Obedience
Many fruits come from obedience: peace, discipline, the capacity to work, love of service, confidence, and character.
Coming Home
Striving to be where Heavenly Father wants us to be will help us feel at home until the day comes when we return to our heavenly home.
The Will of the Father
Jesus Christ always submitted to the Father's will, no matter the cost. This difficult lesson of obedience is one we all must learn.
The Great Commandments
To serve and "love thy neighbor" is the essence of joy and will prepare us to meet God. All of us can do something, and most of us more than we are doing.
I’ll Go, I’ll Do, I’ll Be: Three Steps Toward A Monumental Life
To create a strong, inspiring, and monumental life, one must learn to go, do, and be all that the Lord requires and asks of us.
As a Man Thinketh
We reap what we sow, especially when we are attempting to cultivate the Savior's example in our own lives. As we focus on Him, we'll harvest joy.
Thy Will Be Done
No matter what trials and tribulations come our way, we must develop the faith to be able to say to our Heavenly Father, "Thy will be done."
The Rewards for Obedience
God has said that every blessing is predicated upon obedience to a law. As we consistently choose obedience, we also choose the rewards for obedience.
The Eternal Conflict
God desires all His children to return to Him, but the conflict of life is to choose between eternity's blessings and compromising for worldly things.
Principles with a Promise
Just like the law of gravity, there are laws that the Lord has put in place to guide and direct His children back to Him.
Obedience Brings Happiness
The world offers transitory pleasures, but only obedience brings happiness. Are you obedient to the scriptural commandments of God and to prophetic counsel?
Follow the Rule
Sometimes when Church leaders give counsel, there are exceptions. Follow the rule first, and trust that God will let you know if you are an exception.
Accept Divine Counsel
Latter-day Saints are blessed with living prophets and apostles. We should willingly obey their divinely received counsel.
Four Lessons from One Life
Russell M. Nelson shares some of his greatest life lessons about the body, the spirit, the power of love, and the dependability of divine law.
Blessings Through the Law
To receive the blessing of eternal life, we must obey God’s laws and keep the covenants we have made with Him.
I Know Not, Save the Lord Commanded Me
keeping our promises and covenants with God means that we will obey His commandments and guidance even if we don't know why.
Follow the Brethren
Our willingness to follow the Brethren, the called local and general leaders of the Church, is a show of our humility and obedience to God.
Walk the High Way
Remember that each choice you make, each path you walk, will have a different destination. Choose the high way, the Lord's way, that will bring you joy.
Our Purpose Here at a Church School
Antoine R. Ivins reminds students that, among our goals at BYU, our purpose here should primarily be to develop a spirit of testimony and obedience to God.
Our Guiding Compass
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Fullness of Joy Comes Through Obedience to Law
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Education and the Charge to Subdue the Earth
Your education and your obedience to divine law will enable you to achieve the potential God knows you can achieve—in this life and in eternity.
The Immutable Laws of God
We cannot change the immutable laws of God. We cannot attain a place in the Celestial Kingdom without obedience to His commandments.