“Go to Work and Build”
Go forth with courage, trusting in God’s plan. Work with your heart, mind, and strength. And build, knowing that God is also building you.
Discovering God’s Plan for You
God has a plan for you. Coach Sitake shares that there is divine design even in adversity; God loves you and has blessings in store.
Why Institutions Matter
Institutions should be formative not performative, providing structure and purpose. Strengthening them will combat America's social crisis.
God Loves Underdogs
With God’s grace we can overcome the impossible. We experience His grace—and more miracles—when we choose to be a miracle for someone else.
The Divine Pattern of Deliverance
Paul's journey teaches us a divine pattern of deliverance. During the storms of life, we should fortify the anchors tethering us to Christ.
Five Loaves and Two Fishes
“The Chosen” creator Dallas Jenkins learned it’s not our job to feed the 5,000. We bring our loaves and fishes; Christ does impossible math.
Finding Direction in Uncertainty
When faced with uncertainty, we can move forward with faith, knowing that God will lead us on our personal paths.
“Consider the Wondrous Works of God” (Job 37:14)
Participating in God's work helps us see that we are God's wondrous works, His work is for us, and we are dependent on Him for strength.
How Will You Carry His Name?
We must emulate Christ's love and live His revealed doctrine to carry Christ's name through our actions and examples.
Finding Strength in the Lord
Finding strength in the Lord requires trusting in Him and His plan even when our trials are not resolved like we want them to be.
BYU: Building a Community of Trust and Respect
How inspired professors and faithful fellow students can help BYU flourish through an atmosphere of respect and trust.
“Broke” Hearts and Contrite Spirits
L. Todd Budge explains the four steps to a "broke" heart and contrite spirit. We must desire, inquire, require, and retire.
Enduring and Trusting to the End
Estela Marquez shares her life story to show how enduring and trusting to the end enables us to overcome life's challenges.
Meekly Placing Our Total Trust in God
As we encounter challenges in life, yoking ourselves with and meekly placing our total trust in God will allow us to reap the rewards of a faithful life.
Choose to Trust the Lord
Everyone experiences trials and difficulties in life, but if we choose to trust in the Lord, He can see us through to the end.
“Thy Troubles to Bless”
When adversity challenges your faith, remember that you can trust God, "thy troubles to bless." In His hands, trials can change us and teach us of His love.
The Faith to Do His Will
Though it is not always easy, God expects us to trust in Him. Beth Luthy shares how having the faith to do His will caused miracles to happen in her life.
Lessons from Roses: Trust Yourself and Trust God
When others question your beliefs and choices, it is tempting to panic and doubt yourself. Instead, trust in the things you know to be true.
Are You All the Way In?
Carolyn Billings shares how she learned to trust in the Lord even—or especially—when life is overwhelming. He is with you all the way.
Put Your Trust in God: The Admonition of Alma to His Sons
Alma's counsel to his sons is very applicable to us today. BYU graduates need to know how much the Lord loves them, and to put their trust in God first.
What Is Yet Required of Me?
Among the contributions BYU graduates will give to the world, what is required of them by the Lord? It's nothing new: to keep His commandments.
“Lean Not unto Thine Own Understanding”
Get true understanding as you study, pray, and serve. Such understanding comes as you trust in the Lord, rather than yourself.
“My Life Is a Gift; My Life Has a Plan”
Have you ever wondered about God's plan for your life? His promises are sure, even when you cannot fully see His complete design.
“Into the Burn!”
This life is for us to learn. We may be tempted to lean on our own understanding, but we will be blessed as we choose to trust God.
The Gardener of Gethsemane
While the future is scary and unknown to us, God knows exactly how things will work out. Overcoming adversity is possible when we have faith in His timing.
Encircled in the Arms of Love
The awareness of God’s love for us, of His unreserved guidance and support, should inspire us to likewise extend our reach to those who look to us for direction and relief.
Be Still, and Know God
Instead of stressing or blaming, sometimes it is best to “be still,” become humble, and put your trust in God, believing that all is well.
“Neither Trust in the Arm of Flesh”
As we face the challenges of life, we must put our trust in the Lord rather than "the arm of flesh," the limited knowledge of man.
Temper Your Trials with Trust
We must learn to have trust in the Lord, in ourselves, and in others—and we must act so that we can earn the trust of others.
Faith means trust—trust in God’s will and timing. We must not try, in our personal lives or in building His kingdom, to impose our timetable on His.
Rely upon the Lord
We can rely on and trust the Lord. He never forgets any of us or any of our needs.
Have No Regrets
Richard G. Scott uses object lessons to illustrate the principles of trust and discernment. He admonishes listeners to live with no regrets.
Trusting God When Things Go Wrong
It is inevitable that life will not go according to plan at times. Rather than complain, we must learn to trust God when things go wrong.
Finding Our Individual Path
The society we live in is continually changing, so like the early pioneers, we must find our individual paths on our journey to Zion.
“Trust in the Lord with All Thine Heart”
Most everyone would trade away their challenging experiences, but as we trust God’s eternal perspective, we can see a purpose in those trials.
Lessons from the Potter and the Clay
If we allow ourselves to be molded by His loving hands, Heavenly Father will be our Potter. He can make more of us than we can dream.
Building an Environment of Trust
We must build an environment of trust so we can have unified communities where everyone feels peace, love, faith, and safety.
The Two Great Promises
The two great promises of the gospel are exaltation if we endure to the end and support in our trials if we trust the Lord.
Increasing Faith, Reaffirming Trust, Rekindling Love
As we seek the "assurance" and the "evidence" (grand as well as personal) of God's Plan of Salvation and all "things hoped for," we are increasing faith.
Trust and Accountability
Trust and accountability are the principles that make families, universities, and the Church run. Keep the trust that has been given to you.
Carry Your Cross
Marvin J. Ashton's message is take up your cross. Take yourself the way you are and lift yourself in the direction of the better.
Trust in the Lord
Life is a struggle. Major decisions face all of you. But they are solvable and you will pass through them successfully if you trust in the Lord.
“In God We Trust”
How often do we ask ourselves "Can God trust me?" Trust involves accepting what we do not understand, even when we are not certain of the outcome.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
Gospel Ideals: Life’s Surest Anchor
President David O. McKay speaks on how gospel ideals can act as an anchor to keep us steady during the rough storms of our lives.
Put Your Hand into the Hand of God
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