The Power of Positivity
We must be intentional in seeking to be positive. We can harness that power as we seek for the good in our lives and turn our hearts to God.
Narrating Our Lives
The way we view our lives can help develop our perception of the past, our approach to the present, and our possibilities for the future.
Summiting BYU’s Everest
Mountains are spiritual symbols because they bring us closer to God, stand as an example, give us greater perspective, and relate to temples.
Vaulting to Greater Heights: Replacing Fear with Lasting Peace
Melissa Western shares how she came to know the Savior, and her testimony that we can each replace our fear with lasting peace from Him.
The Transformative Power of Faith and Art
Janalee Emmer shares how both faith and art transform our hearts and foster empathy. Art can help us see the world from a new perspective.
How to Be Happy Now—and Forever
With the eternal perspective of the gospel as our guide in this life, we can learn how to be truly happy now—and forever.
The Y on the Mountain
The meaning of life events will be determined not so much by the events themselves, but on how we choose to view and respond to them.
Seeing Things Differently
Whether it's math, relationships, or the scriptures, powerful blessings come into our lives when we choose to start seeing things differently.
The Plan of Salvation: The Gospel Paradigm
Through the lens of the plan of salvation, we gain perspective that helps us deal with questions, frustrations, and even crippling challenges.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
Empty Centers and the Fire of the Lord
Michelle Stott James speaks on the importance of cultivating spiritual perspective in order to kindle the rejuvenating fire of the Lord.
An Eternal Perspective
Kevin J Worthen urges BYU graduates to keep an eternal perspective as they look forward to their "callings" at work and at home.
The Abundant Life
To live a more abundant life, we must seek light and truth, have an eternal perspective, and feel and express gratitude.
Life Lessons from the Front
Mitt Romney's campaign trail taught him many lessons, including how to keep his faith on the forefront while in the political arena.
Eyes to See
We can develop eyes to see God’s gifts. To do so, we must foster desire and prepare to receive personal revelation.
The Lord’s Hand in Our Lives
The Lord’s hand in our lives can be gentle and almost imperceptible, but we shouldn’t forget that the good things in our lives come from Him.
What Happens When Life Gets One Degree Colder?
What should we do when our situation seems hopeless? If we have faith, courage, hope, and trust, God will bless us and miracles will occur in our lives.
“Therefore Ye Are No More Strangers and Foreigners”
As we learn to truly respect and love others for their cultural differences, we will see miracles in their lives and ours.
All Things Spiritual
Your BYU education can strengthen spiritually and intellectually. Consider how you have seen God's hand in your life.
Carry On!
Good and bad are part of life. We can carry on by being instruments in the Lord’s hands and drawing strength from hymns.
The Gardener of Gethsemane
While the future is scary and unknown to us, God knows exactly how things will work out. Overcoming adversity is possible when we have faith in His timing.
Zoram and I: Getting Our Stories Straight
Faith in Jesus Christ has the power to help us get our stories straight, and I pray that, like Zoram, we will see that our life’s circumstances are often the very conditions in which God has chosen to bless us as He helps us work out our lives.
What Do You Expect?: A Key to Personal Happiness
“Change your thoughts and you will change your world.” What you expect from life and from yourself will greatly determine your ability to be happy.
The Cycle of Becoming
God is more interested in who we are becoming than in who we once were. As we move forward, we should evaluate our progress in life.
The Academic Anableps
Being an academic anablap, being able to use spiritual insights in academic work, allows people to address scholarly issues with dual vision.
“Remember Lot’s Wife”
The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We remember the blessings and the lessons, but then we look with faith toward the future.
Treasure the Day
Rather than wishing the days by, waiting for some future moment of happiness, we can choose to treasure today - every day.
Sinai Experiences
Our experiences at BYU have helped us to better understand that we are in similitude of the Savior and belong to the great family encompassing all of the people of the earth.
The Great Value of Your Boundless Choice
When you feel overwhelmed by the many choices ahead of you, remember to be grateful for the freedom to possess such boundless choice.
Seeing Through the Generations
Looking through the generations, both past and future, we find an enhanced perspective of who we are and who we can become.
Perspective, Purpose, Peace
At commencement, graduates are asked to consider their perspective, their purpose, and the need for peace in the world.
The Changing World
How should we face a rapidly changing world? With the optimism that we can always learn and adapt, and the assurance that some truths never change.
Choose to Celebrate
At the 2005 commencement, BYU graduates are counseled on ways to celebrate difficulty and trial for the strength and learning that they bring.
Beyond Baby Shampoo
Looking back upon journal entries from my freshman days at BYU, I found what I had written to sum up my year of learning: “An unconfident man will say he has no talent. A foolish man will believe him.” This idea has made a strong impression upon me.
The Vision of Eternity
When we capture the vision of eternity, our perspective and priorities shift from the things of this world to the blessings that await us.
The Far and Near
Two parts of my university education introduce my subject today. The first I remember from my BYU freshman English class, where I had an excellent teacher. We wrote essays that were due every Friday, and, at that point, I hoped someday to be a writer. I had enjoyed some success with my writing during my 18 years. I had won a prize here and there, and my parents certainly thought…
Learning in an Eternal Context
There is a limit to how much we can learn in this life, so we must gain knowledge that has the most worth, learning by study and by faith.
Is Your Cup Half Full or Half Empty?
As trials and challenges come, we'll be tempted to view our glass as half empty. However, focusing on the gospel can help us see life half full.
Eternal Perspectives
As we replace earthly perspectives with eternal perspectives, we find that keeping God's commandments becomes natural and our lives take on new meaning.
Our Spiritual Eyeglasses: What You See Is What You Get
The spiritual eyeglasses we view the world through define what we believe, where we focus, and how we act. Wearing an incorrect pair can distort our vision.
To See as We Are Seen
We often see ourselves “through a glass darkly,” but we can sharpen our view to gain an eternal perspective of our divine potential.
Seeing with New Eyes
As we humble ourselves, following the Savior and the prophets, the Spirit can enlighten us and give us an eternal perspective in this life.
Our response to adversity shapes our character. Trials are temporary, but the blessings we can receive from them are permanent.
Leaders and Managers
Good managers produce personal gain and rely on the wisdom of the world, but great leaders build the Lord's kingdom. Leadership relies on God.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Amidst political, economic, and educational challenges, don’t be a "pickle sucker." Be positive, focus on the good, and "let not your heart be troubled."
Murmur Not
Marvin J. Ashton reminds us that murmuring leads to personal apostasy. While it may seem like fun or be easier to murmur, when we do, we turn away from God.
Widening Horizons
To widen your horizons academically, expand your mind and learn something new. To widen the horizon of your soul, follow the prophetically established pattern of reading God’s word, asking Him for guidance, and then learning by revelation from promptings of the Spirit.
Upward Reach
After inviting Louise Lake to bear her testimony on the importance of gratitude in our trials, Adam S. Bennion counsels students to keep an upward reach toward heaven. Keep your spiritual channel open to receive God's revelations and blessings.