

Beyond Baby Shampoo

Looking back upon journal entries from my freshman days at BYU, I found what I had written to sum up my year of learning: “An unconfident man will say he has no talent. A foolish man will believe him.” This idea has made a strong impression upon me.

The Far and Near

Two parts of my university education introduce my subject today. The first I remember from my BYU freshman English class, where I had an excellent teacher. We wrote essays that were due every Friday, and, at that point, I hoped someday to be a writer. I had enjoyed some success with my writing during my 18 years. I had won a prize here and there, and my parents certainly thought…

Widening Horizons

To widen your horizons academically, expand your mind and learn something new. To widen the horizon of your soul, follow the prophetically established pattern of reading God’s word, asking Him for guidance, and then learning by revelation from promptings of the Spirit.

Upward Reach

After inviting Louise Lake to bear her testimony on the importance of gratitude in our trials, Adam S. Bennion counsels students to keep an upward reach toward heaven. Keep your spiritual channel open to receive God's revelations and blessings.