Six Things I Believe
There are six important things we can believe to help us develop our divine potential and complete our unique missions.
The Dignity and Demeanor of Discipleship
Rebecca L. Craven explores what the dignity and demeanor of discipleship look like. Standing as a witness of God means standing out.
Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
Finding the Road to Character
David Brooks, respected political and cultural commentator, teaches about the importance of character and persevering through life's challenges.
Illuminated Stories
The illuminated stories of individuals throughout history show that courage and motivation to endure are required to experience greatness.
Discovering Your Divine Individuality
Julie Crockett assures us that our uniqueness and divine individuality are only magnified as we work toward attaining Christlike attributes.
Facing the Algebras of Life
We all meet our match somewhere. For Sister Worthen, it was algebra. When we are faced with something difficult, will we quit or will we learn?
Being in Tune: Minimizing Interference Beats
Following the prophets and avoiding pride and contention minimize the interference beats that stop us from being in harmony with the Spirit.
His Grace Is Sufficient
Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him. We need to believe Christ's words when he said "My grace is sufficient".
Seven Suggestions
BYU's president offers 7 suggestions for a successful semester: self-awareness, self-control, service, spirituality, scriptures, scholarship, and standards.
Our Personal Game Plan
Life is a lot like a game of football. You can be most successful if you have a game plan in place to stay close to God during your journey.
Who Will Bear Reproof?
We have within our own sphere of influence [a] sacred . . . duty to seek and speak the truth in love and courage and to submit in meekness to inspired counsel.
Travel “Light”
Gloria Meléndez encourages us to "travel light," meaning removing excess baggage that weighs down our minds, hearts, bodies, and souls.
Secular and Sacred Individuality
Whether relating to genetic or spiritual differences, we are individuals with unique predispositions, vulnerabilities, and strengths.
A new year is an opportunity to resolve to make happy memories—to mend a relationship, express gratitude and love, and record little miracles.
Godliness with Contentment
Much of our happiness depends not on what we have, but on our gratitude for it, and contentment can bring us lasting joy.
“It Might Have Been”
It is said that some of the saddest words ever said are "it might have been." Don't let life and its opportunities pass you by.
Steer a Steady Course
Success in life is built on small, consistent choices and the determination to work hard. Steer a steady course, and you will not be disappointed.
This year, make resolutions to develop as the Savior did—intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually. It will take effort, but will be worth it.
Out of the Best Faculty
Brigham Young University needs the contribution of faculty who are strong in scholarship and faith in order to fulfill its great mission.
The Dauntless Spirit of Resolution
As you make resolutions for the new year, don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that God can give you the spirit of commitment and resolution.
One Out of Many
We should seek unity in individually developing ourselves by improving our minds, bodies, talents, health, and abilities.
“On Staying Power”
To have dependable staying power in your life, subscribe to basic principles, consistently do your best, and choose character over reputation.
“The Last Drop in the Chalice”
Elder Featherstone gives examples of the various ways that righteous role models like President Kimball give their devotion to the Lord, to the last drop.
The Widow’s Mite
President Gordon B. Hinckley reminds BYU students that their university is sustained by tithing. The widow's mite is a sacred contribution.
Nailing Our Colors to the Mast
The Discovery, Titanic, BYU—all began with a dream. We must nail our colors to the mast to ensure the safety and success of our ship.
Becoming Men and Women of Principle
Adrian Van Mondfrans explains how to become men and women of principle. There are gospel formulas we can follow to become better.
It’s No Fun Being Poor
When money becomes our god, we are poor. One of life’s great lessons is that what we do with what we have is more important than what we have.
Flaxen Threads
Like flaxen threads, seemingly insignificant habits build up in our lives and become impenetrable. Make wise choices; actions may become habits.
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
As we seek to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, we need to understand Him better. Ivan J. Barrett offers insights into the character of Christ.
Necessities of Living
There are many "necessities of living" here in mortality: thoughts, ideas, words, character traits, and acts to aid us in becoming who we need to be.
In His Steps
Ezra Taft Benson teaches that Christ grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. We can follow in His steps by prioritizing.
The Freedom to Become
God gave us the freedom to choose but not the freedom to choose our consequences. To become our best selves, we must choose the right.
The Man of Christ
A man of Christ is one who hold the Christlike attributes of integrity, selflessness, and courage and exercises them to help others.
I Am a Saint if I Live Right
Calling ourselves Latter-day Saints should fill us with responsibility to act like a saint. God expects us to be noble representatives of His cause.
Footprints on the Sands of Time
Joseph Anderson shares insights from those who have greatly influenced his life, especially Church leaders who have left their footprints on many hearts.
Your 1975 Game Plan
This year, ask God to help you create a game plan that will help you overcome the adversary and reach your temporal and spiritual goals.
The Plus Sign
"2 + 2 = 4" means nothing without that powerful plus sign. Life becomes more as we allow God to add our efforts.
Challenges for the Year Ahead
Challenges will arise this year, but if you stay safe, keep the Honor Code, help others, and take your education seriously, you will succeed.
Lost Horizons
You are here to expand your horizons—the horizons of your knowledge. experience, and character. Have the vision and confidence to strive for excellence.
A Time to Choose
Now is our time to choose. Let our New Year's resolutions be to listen better, to learn better, to labor better, and to love better.
The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon
“The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.” Can we be that kind of instrument in His hands? An example of love, service, and excellence?
The Ships of Life
In our lives, there are "ships" that, if anchored and used well, will greatly help us: workmanship, friendship, courtship, hardship, and worship.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
The Worth of Souls
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. He is interested in each member of the Church and their needs, potential, and talents.