Being Doers of the Word
How Will You Carry His Name?
Summiting BYU’s Everest
A Master Class in Leadership: One Day with the Savior
The Propinquity Effect
Great Expectations
Can You Hear the Music?
The World Needs to See and Feel Your Light
Be a Light to the World
Wearing the Y
Lessons Taught by Two Prophets
A Brand of Distinction
Let the Light Shine
“Come Ye, and Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord”
If He Is Our Light
When that Spirit moves upon the waters—when it moves upon us—it can organize and enlighten those gifts that we have worked to develop and, through the sacrifice of our time and effort and abilities, bring forth remarkable creations out of those elements.
“And You Present Me Wings”
Opportunities to gather the elect, to lift others, and to let your light shine are not reserved only for members of the Living Legends or our other BYU performing groups. Opportunities to serve … are available to all of us if we will seek for them and have the faith and courage to accept them when they come.
Be Thou an Example
Our reason for being a university is to encourage and prepare young men and women to rise to their full spiritual potential as sons and daughters of God.
The Savior’s Example in Doing the Father’s Will
Lessons from Three Apostles: A Biographer’s Perspective
Thus I can testify that the fifteen men who lead this Church have been called, sustained, and anointed witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ to all the world.