Eternal Belonging and Becoming
Though we may lack worldly achievements, we always belong because God sees us for who we truly are as children of God who are becoming more.
Rise to Your Divine Identity, Purpose, and Destiny
In our life, both now, before, and after earth, we must discover our divine identity, purpose, and destiny.
Beautiful Babies Blessing the World
God doesn't use big battalions of soldiers to accomplish His purposes; He sends beautiful babies who go on to bless the world.
Christ’s Atonement, Invitations to Act, and Promised Blessings
Christ invites us to come unto Him by giving us doctrinal truths, inviting us to act, and promising us blessings.
Children of Heavenly Father
In a world that emphasizes identity, remember that above all else we are children of Heavenly Father. This is the most important group to identify with.
Finding Your Purpose
Each of us, with all of our talents and abilities, has a place and purpose in this world. As we work and pray, the Lord will help us see what we can be.
Knowing Who You Are
President Worthen reminds us that we are defined by more than our grades, our major, or our social status. We are, most importantly, children of God.
Seeing the Divinity in Others
Knowing that everyone is a child of God influences our behavior. By seeing the divinity in others, we behave as disciples of Christ.
Our Identities at BYU and Beyond
When we go through major changes, we realize the need for a constant source of identity. That identity comes from knowing we are children of God.
A Few Secrets of Life
These three secrets will help you graduates make the most of your life: use your time wisely, know who you are, and love the right things.
The Fantasy and the Reality of Your Royal Identity
Because of your royal identity, you will one day have more power than the most powerful superhero or princess. You have the potential to become limitless.
Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth
We are children of God who lived with Him before we came to Earth. We can live with Him again after this life.
Be Anchored in Order to Soar
Understanding that we are spiritual beings will help us be anchored and soar to our full potential.
Strengthen the Things That Remain
Members of different faiths need to work together to affirm religious liberty, necessary in preserving human rights, human dignity, and human flourishing.
Becoming a Work of Art
Like a piece of raw marble in the hands of a masterful artist, we each have the potential to become a work of art in the hands of the Lord.
“My Life Is a Gift; My Life Has a Plan”
Have you ever wondered about God's plan for your life? I know His promises are sure, even when you cannot fully see His complete design.
Created in the “Image and Likeness of God”: Apprentices in the Master’s Workshop
We were created in God’s image. To reach our divine potential and become like Him, we must come to know him and act accordingly.
Our Identity and Our Destiny
We are the literal spirit children of God. We have a divine identity and our destiny is to be exalted and become like Him.
The Divine Nature and Destiny of Women
When the divine nature of women is recognized in society and family, both men and women can begin to lead more celestial lives together.
Our Divine Nature and Life Decisions
While genetics are important to understanding human development, our personalities come from the premortal life and are for us to discover.
How Do We Think about What Is Human?: C. S. Lewis and The Abolition of Man
Political philosophy professor Jean Bethke Elshtain, citing C.S. Lewis, warns against tampering with our definition of what is human and deserving of life.
A Place Within His Heart
Our self-worth does not come from appearances, accomplishments, or the opinions of others, but from the infinite love of God.
Joy in the Divine Roles of Men and Women
We have sacred roles as women and men. We can achieve a fulness of joy by fulfilling these roles, preparing to return to live with our Father in Heaven.
Remember Who You Are!
To remember who we are is to access a divine birthright of power, focus, and hope. It changes not only what we think of ourselves, but what we do every day.
You Were Born to Lead, You Were Born for Glory
The last days are not for the faint of heart or the spiritually out of shape. The gospel's power will help us persevere and lead.
Identity, Priority, and Blessings
Blessings come when we recognize our identity as covenant children of God, and when we make the Lord—and family—our top priority.
A Divine Nature and Destiny
We have a divine nature and destiny, which includes sacred roles to fulfill. The most important of those roles are fatherhood and motherhood.
The Crucibles of Eternal Identity
Self-knowledge of our eternal identity is essential in the journey to overcome the crucibles of this life and fulfill our potential.
A Child of God
Understanding the nature of God, and our own nature as a child of God, can strip us of pride and enable us with the power to learn.
“One Being Is as Precious in His Sight as the Other”
Barbara Lockhart teaches that all of God's children are equally precious in His eyes. He loves us, and we must learn to love ourselves.
Choice—The Crucible of Character
Christlike character is cultivated through our choices, not our circumstances or predispositions. We are always accountable for our actions.
A Message to Our Granddaughters
With an eternal perspective, God will help you—our granddaughters, and all women—fulfill your divine missions in the family, the Church, and the world.
Fuller Understanding
With the Plan of Salvation, a knowledge of who we are, and a testimony of the gospel, we have a fuller understanding of life.
Meekly Drenched in Destiny
Meekness does not oppose boldness. It means to speak up without speaking down. It means to depend upon the Lord. It means to become like the Savior.
This Is Life Eternal
The scriptures teach that the key to life eternal is to know God and His Son. What pride, fear, or sin is stopping us from truly coming to know Him?
“All Are Alike unto God”
When it comes to race and color, we are all Heavenly Father's children and He loves us equally. There is nor room for prejudice among God's children.
All Are Alike unto God
Elder McConkie testifies that the revelation extending priesthood blessings to those of all nations and races is divine and that "all are alike unto God."
What Is Man?
"What is man?" Thanks to the knowledge we have of the Plan of Salvation, we can know of our divine heritage and destiny as children of God.
The Highest in Us
Latter-day Saints believe that we can become like God. Knowing our own divinity can help shape our lives now and into the eternities.
Be Loyal to the Royal Within You
You are sons and daughters of God with great potential. In your testimony, your family, your education, and all you do, "Be loyal to the royal within you."
We Believe in God, the Eternal Father
We believe in God, the Eternal Father of our Spirits. That belief is the foundation of our religion, our purpose in life, and our destiny.
Get Up and Glow
You're not on earth to be comfortable with mortality but to overcome it and return home. Seek the spiritual glow that comes from living right.
Households of Faith
As members of the household of God, we are entitled to infinite blessings if we live worthy of the name we have been given.
The Divinity within Relief Society
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Man, A Child of God
In His likeness and image, God created man. Countless scriptural instances outlined by Delbert L. Stapley profess man's divinity as a child of God.
Man and What He May Become
Man is so much more than we can comprehend, as evidenced not only by religious tenet but also scientific inquiry. He is the offspring of God!