Finding Direction in Uncertainty
When faced with uncertainty, we can move forward with faith, knowing that God will lead us on our personal paths.
Observation, Reason, Faith, and Revelation
Observation, reason, and faith facilitate revelation and enable the Holy Ghost to be a reliable, trustworthy, and beloved companion.
The Power of Prophetic Promises
God has promised us powerful blessings that can help us through challenges and trials—if we obey the voice of his prophet.
Overcoming Spiritual Logokophosis
Spiritual logokophosis, or "word deafness," can affect us. We must be deliberate in listening to the Lord to receive His counsel.
The Gospel Methodology of Group Revelation
BYU’s strategic plan to share a unique light with the world is accomplished when we unite for group revelation within a gospel methodology.
Bound Securely to the Savior
President Johnson gives examples from her life on how to become "bound securely to the Savior" so that we can withstand the storms of life.
Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell shares ways to stay connected to the one true source of knowledge—Jesus Christ—so we can make it safely back home to our Father in Heaven.
In Awe: The Astonishing Goodness of God
John B. Bingham invites us to contemplate the goodness of God in awe by acting to believe, recording experiences, and seeking "thin" places.
Vaulting to Greater Heights: Replacing Fear with Lasting Peace
Melissa Western shares how she came to know the Savior, and her testimony that we can each replace our fear with lasting peace from Him.
The Messy Middle of Revelation
Tracianne B. Neilsen describes "the messy middle of revelation." We can hear God better through things like self-care and gratitude.
How I Became a Seeker
Steven C. Harper explains how, by study and by faith, we can each become a spiritual seeker and arrive at "other side simplicity."
To Receive, to Covenant, and to Minister
As we strive to actively receive and personally minister, we can create a home-court advantage for everyone around us.
His Sheep Still Hear His Voice
Mark L. Pace explains how Christ's sheep still hear His voice by the power of the Holy Ghost. Daily gospel habits help us create change.
Stand Forever
How can we faithfully discover the answers to our difficult questions? Elder Corbridge suggests how to keep the faith when we have moments of uncertainty.
Humble Uncertainty
Exercising humility and honesty when seeking answers to life's questions cultivates within us a humble uncertainty which expands our understanding.
Receiving Revelation
The process of receiving revelation requires familiarizing ourselves with the Spirit. As children of God, all are entitled to His help.
Recognizing and Understanding the Spirit at BYU
Michael Orme shares how the principles of receiving revelation and understanding the Spirit are uniquely applied to Brigham Young University.
Revealing Questions
Professor Brianna M. Magnusson teaches that asking revealing questions will allow us to become familiar with receiving personal revelation.
Stand Up Straight, Smile, and Remember Who You Are
What do a failed exam, a cut up degree, historical documents, and a screensaver have in common? A vision of ourselves and of BYU to remember and believe in.
“The Assurance of Things Hoped For”
Through revelation, we can receive a high degree of assurance of things hoped for.
Recognizing and Responding to the Promptings of the Spirit
As we learn and understand the Lord’s pattern for communicating with us, those small, melodic tones of the Spirit will lead us to the Savior.
“Did You Think to Pray?”
When we ask ourselves, "Did you think to pray?" we ought to reflect on the sincerity and power of our communication with God, a sacred gift.
Messages of Love
In this Valentine’s Day address, Elder Kearon delivers messages of love as he encourages students to assess the state of their hearts.
The Unspeakable Gift of the Holy Ghost
We must intentionally seek the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, which will instruct, guide, and testify to us.
Receiving and Recognizing the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost guides us through promptings. We should use our spiritual abilities to receive and recognize the Spirit.
Our Journey into the Wilderness
I will...discuss how we can prepare now to find our way through the unknown territory through which we will travel in our lives.
Our Life-Changing Partnership with the Spirit
Michael A. Jensen teaches of the Holy Ghost and how we can recognize and receive revelation.
Evidences of the Heart
How does the Spirit speak to you? This devotional explores Joseph Smith's experience in the Sacred Grove and its similarities to our own experiences.
Prayer is a tool for comfort, peace, guidance, testimony, and forgiveness. How are you using prayer to access the powers of heaven?
Live Right Now
As we make important decisions, we must find the balance between seeking the Lord's guidance and having the courage to make our own choices.
Gifts of the Spirit for Hard Times
With faith, clean living, pure motive, and the love of Christ, we can expect revelation every day through the Spirit of God.
Discernment for Journeying Through Babylon to Athens and Zion
We need discernment for each of the three tracks of life: material, intellectual, and spiritual. This comes as we seek Christ every day.
“Quick to Observe”
We ought to seek out the gift of discernment, which makes us quick to observe right from wrong, the needs of others, and the promptings of the Spirit.
Our Spiritual and Temporal Foundation: Scriptures and Revelation
Revelation is how we combine spiritual and secular knowledge. A foundation of both will help us to positively impact the world.
Discerning the Will of the Lord for Me
Lanae Valentine teaches strategies that improve our ability to discern the will of the Lord. He is eager to answer us if we will listen.
The Wind Beneath Your Wings
At times we will go through trials and need to be lifted up. Control, attitude, and faith in God's power will create wind beneath our wings.
Stones in the Wall
When we sin, we build a wall of stones around us, making it difficult to hear spiritual impressions. As we remove the stones, we gain guidance from God.
Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might
Elder Ballard offers six ways that we can strengthen our spiritual armor and access the power of God to protect ourselves from danger.
“Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence”
Trust in a perfect God gives us the confidence to act in faith, even when faced with difficult decisions or paralyzing fear.
Perspectives on Knowing in a Human Science
Elaine S. Marshall offers some professional, personal, and scriptural perspectives on knowing, as well as the limits of temporal and spiritual knowledge.
The Voice of the Lord
Gerald N. Lund focuses on the challenge of learning how to hear, recognize, and follow the voice of the Lord.
Personal Revelation
An understanding of how personal revelation works will allow us to develop a closer relationship with God and to live better, happier lives.
Personal Epiphanies
The Lord can bless any of His children with an epiphany of knowledge and guidance. Consistent, strong inspiration is possible through the Holy Ghost.
What Came from Kirtland
We owe much to the Kirtland era of Latter-day Saint Church history—this time is rich in visions, revealed doctrine, and essential progression.
The Voice of the Spirit
It can be difficult to hear the Spirit's voice amid the noise of the world but is worth the effort to have the Spirit's guidance and peace.
Great Answers to the Great Question
Through the witness of the Book of Mormon and prophetic revelation, the gospel offers great answers to age-old questions of the soul.
The Elusive Balance
There is a balance in life between looking to the Lord's hand in all things and using your God-given agency to guide you through life.
Spiritual Experience
Spiritual experiences are real, and commandments of the Lord are given so we can achieve spiritual progress.
Guidance: Ongoing Guidance Is Needed for All
In order to accomplish the things we truly desire, we need to follow some basic principles to receive guidance from the Lord.
Seek and Ye Shall Find
Cultivate a relationship with your Heavenly Father, and seek His guidance as you make important decisions. He will lead, protect, and help you.
Revelation serves many purposes necessary and beneficial: it testifies, prophesies, comforts, uplifts, informs, restrains, confirms, and impels.
Reason and Revelation
Gospel learning comes by the process of reason and revelation. We must take care to learn by the Holy Ghost rather than be deceived by Satan.
On Making Revelation a Personal Reality
You can make revelation a personal reality as you search the scriptures, commune with the Father, and live in keeping with divine commandments.
What Is Your Mission?
Discovering your mission in life is a daunting, but not impossible task. If you trust Him and have the courage to act, God will guide and shape your life.
We Believe in Prophecy
We believe in the gift of prophecy. We can see today the fulfillment of prophecies from long ago, and they give us faith to follow our living prophets now.
Living Flames, Not Dead Ashes
Learning to listen to the promptings of the Spirit brings safety. Every worthy individual is entitled to the companionship of the Spirit. If you listen, you will find he is often more eager to help than we are to obey.
Remembered and Nourished by the Good Word of God
General conference is an opportunity to fulfill the commandment to “meet together oft,” to edify one another, and to receive revelation.
How to Know If Revelation Is from the Lord
We all seek answers to our prayers, and these six questions will help you determine whether a revelation is from the Lord.
An Educated Conscience
When the Holy Ghost communicates with us, it takes a practiced and educated conscience to recognize what it is communicating.
Accept Divine Counsel
Latter-day Saints are blessed with living prophets and apostles. We should willingly obey their divinely received counsel.
Agency or Inspiration—Which?
Do we simply use our agency or do we rely on inspiration from God? We can't move forward without either when we counsel with the Lord.
How to Get Personal Revelation
Intellectual study of the gospel is necessary, but cannot take the place of personal revelation that comes through searching and asking.
Flesh Is Flesh and Spirit Is Spirit
The things of the world, or of the flesh, must be learned by the methods of the world. The things of the spirit, however, must be learned by the Spirit.
A Proper Orientation on the Threshold of Life
You are just now on the threshold of life, with many important decisions to make. Make them wisely and in keeping with the teachings of the gospel.
Your Eternal Flight
Your life's journey is like a flight in an airplane—you need to pay careful attention to your instruments, and keep your sight fixed on your destination.
Lessons of the Sixth Century
The great men of the sixth century believed in contemplation and in action, and they weren’t afraid to ask God for revelation.
But Arise and Stand upon Thy Feet
Elder Harold B. Lee invites us, as Jesus commanded Paul, to "arise and stand upon thy feet." We can receive revelation and answer the call of the Lord.
Divine Revelation
God speaks to us through prophets and through personal revelation. However, we must be humble and watchful to receive His words.
Leadership Week: Fulfillment of Prophecy
Elder Joseph Fielding Smith speaks of historical and current events, especially in the Middle East, as fulfillment of prophecy given in the scriptures.