My “Why” Is My Love for the Savior
Connecting all we do to our love for the Savior and basing our “why” in that love will help us understand what it means to be His disciple.
Why America Went Crazy and How You Can Stay Sane
As followers of Christ we must reach out with friendship and unconditional love to combat the hatred and loneliness prevalent in America.
Mammon or Marriage?
While many search for happiness through financial or career success, being married and having a family increases overall happiness more.
Building a Beloved Community
We can build a “beloved community” daily by uniting with other Christians to face change together and invite all to come unto Christ.
Hearts Knit Together in Love
President Worthen teaches that having our hearts knit together in love at BYU can be achieved through a focus on eternal principles.
Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf imparts hope, strength, and joy by sharing five messages he believes all of God’s children need to hear.
“Yes, and . . .”: The Creative Art of Living
By recounting her late husband's legacy, Lisa Valentine Clark teaches the importance of saying "yes, and . . . " in the creative art of living.
Being Christ’s Compassionate Hands
Steven A. Smith asks us to follow our elder brother's example by being His compassionate hands to relieve suffering in others.
Deepening Discipleship
Scott D. Whiting teaches how to deepen discipleship through obedience, endurance, and service to God and our fellowmen and women.
Experience God’s Love
Our ability to experience God’s love directly relates to how dutifully we repent, study the scriptures, and partake of the sacrament.
The Love and Laws of God
The love and laws of God are inseparably connected. God's laws may not be popular in today's world, but they have been given for a reason.
Wrestling with Comparisons
Life is not a race. Treating it as so will stunt our spiritual growth. The only comparisons that we need to make are those with our past self.
More Love, Less Contempt
Arthur C. Brooks teaches that the problem in today’s society isn't anger, but contempt. And contempt can only be solved with love.
“As I Have Loved You”: Agency-Based Love in Dating and Marriage
Dr. Jason Carroll discusses why we should remember that love is a fruit of good relationships, not the root. He encourages Christlike behavior in dating.
Living a Life of Service and Love: What Goes Around Comes Around
The more service and love we give, the more we will find returned to us. Kirt Saville shares touching examples of this principle.
The Experience of Love and the Limitations of Psychological Explanation
The common Cartesian, egoistic theories in psychology fall short when describing the unselfish, gracious, and unexplainable phenomenon of love.
Disciples of Jesus Christ—Defenders of Marriage
Family life will be your most enduring reward. Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will be called upon as defenders of marriage and family.
For God So Loved You
God is the creator of the universe, but He is also our Father. He knows us, loves us, and desires to help us individually.
“I Know That He Loveth His Children . . .”
Understanding that God "loveth His children" can help us build a better relationship and recognize His tender mercies in our lives.
It Was as if a Blanket of Love Was Flowing Over Me
Being a parent can bring joy and sorrow. Sister Worthen discusses how to bring a family together and encourage happiness within a family unit.
Life’s Two Big Questions
Mark DeMoss speaks on life's two big questions and the answers we can get through the Lord, wise friends, and the book of Proverbs.
“Yea, They May Forget, Yet Will I Not Forget Thee”
The Lord has promised that, even when we feel most lost and alone, even when those closest to us have forgotten us, He is aware of us.
What If Love Were Our Only Motive?
Brother Osguthorpe speaks on how love can be the greatest source of strength and a powerful motive as we follow the example of Christ and reach out.
To Have Peace and Happiness
Why is marriage important? Elder Scott testifies of the blessings of marriage and temple covenants through interviewing a young couple.
Repentance and Forgiveness in Marriage
The eternal principles of repentance and forgiveness build strong and happy relationships in marriage. Learn to say "I'm sorry" and to let go of resentment.
God Loves You
If you watch for and learn how God loves you, you'll have the opportunity to have experiences like Rollin H. Hotchkiss and gain a similar testimony.
Love of the Savior
As we embody a spirit of love, we find increased happiness and joy in our individual lives. Love can strengthen our families and friendships.
God’s Love
While God’s love for us is perfect, our love for Him is constantly being redefined as we learn to love ourselves and others as He does.
A Gospel of Relationships
It is important to build loving relationships, with all the real and complex elements of love, instead of competing with or judging others.
The Two Guiding Lights
Two gospel principles act as two guiding lights to help us reach eternal life: love for God and love for our fellow man. These two will guide us home.
Make God and His Kingdom the Center of Your Life
As we increasingly love God and His kingdom and make them our primary focus, we will find that all of the "compartments" of our lives are blessed.
And with All Thy Mind
It is common for people to say that they love with their hearts, but what of their minds? John W. Welch explores what it means to love God with our mind.
Empathy and the Pure Love of Christ
Christ taught the pure doctrine to "love thy neighbour as thyself." We do this by enhancing our ability to empathize with others.
How Do I Love Thee?
In all relationships, but especially in romance, charity - including selflessness, kindness, tolerance, and support - is the love that "never faileth."
Love—A Manifestation from God
Love is truly is the most gentle and powerful force in the world. We have been given the key to loving and respecting differences.
Love Changes Everything
Charity is a gift of God that requires a pure heart and a clean conscience. This love of Christ is deep and constant. It changes everything.
Reflections of Peace
Arun Ghandi, the Mahatma's grandson, shares personal reflections on lessons learned from his grandfather about peace, anger, and nonviolence.
Pure Love
Only as we learn to love each other with the pure love of Christ can we obey, to its fullest extent, the first commandment to love God.
“Because He First Loved Us”
Nothing can be more important to teach our children than love. We must exemplify love in our family relationships and teach them about the love of God.
We Are to Love God and Our Neighbors
Through learning to love others, regardless of whether they're kind to us or popular, we learn obedience to all other commandments.
Honest, Simple, Solid, True
Being self-centered and self-absorbed is the absolute antithesis of being honest, simple, solid, and true.
A Man After God’s Own Heart
Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone shares touching examples of the love and compassion we need to develop in order to have a heart like God's.
“A More Excellent Hope”
We yearn for hope not just in this life but for eternity. Our hope is bolstered by understanding faith and charity, the pure love of Christ.
“Loving with the Spirit and with the Understanding”
With a testimony of the potential of marriage and family happiness, we are capable of loving with the spirit and with understanding.
The Great Commandments
To serve and "love thy neighbor" is the essence of joy and will prepare us to meet God. All of us can do something, and most of us more than we are doing.
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
Love and Marriage
Divorce is, sadly, all too common. Elder Burton's speech focuses on the great love story of Adam and Eve and how to keep your marriage strong.
Family relationships are precious. We should tell our families we love them, help them feel safe, and emulate scriptural examples.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh”
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan.
Some Things We Have Learned—Together
Jeffrey and Patricia Holland share the lessons they have learned in their marriage, with great counsel for developing healthy relationships.
Love Is Life and Life Hath Immortality
Love of all kinds is life and is meant to be eternal. As we seek to create loving relationships, we will change the world forever.
That We May Become
As we work toward our eternal goal, that we may become like our Heavenly Father, the key in our quest for perfection is Christlike love.
“That Ye May Be Filled with Love”
Hartman Rector Jr. teaches that in order to serve effectively, we need to learn to love others selflessly and unconditionally, as He loves us.
“Yielding the Fruits of Peace”
In her BYU Women's Conference address, Patricia T. Holland teaches that peace comes as we love each other without judgment, comparison, or pettiness.
The Gospel and Romantic Love
Romantic love is pure, sacred, and central to the gospel. It is because of, not in spite of, that fact that we must treat it carefully.
The Price of Love
Sacrifice is the source of love. To truly love someone else or the Lord, we must be willing to sacrifice and pay whatever price is necessary.
“A Love of God and of All Men”
With Southeast Asian refugees as beautiful examples, Elder Hanks shares what it means to truly love our neighbor by feeding the body, mind, and soul.
Gifts of Love
This Christmas, remember the best gifts are given when the giver feels for the receiver, gives freely, and counts the sacrifice as a bargain.
“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
The fruits of a Christlike life are loving, serving, and giving. May we all strive to better emulate Him this Christmas season.
The Sacred Way to Eternal Life Is to Love God First
The way to the kingdom of God is to love God first. We must love and serve Him above money, appetites, and other temporary priorities.
“And the Greatest of These Is Love”
Love is not just an investment; it is an adventure. It is not an idyllic dream; it happens. President Hinckley reminds us of the sacred nature of love.
Celestial Marriage—A Little Heaven on Earth
Celestial marriage is one of God's greatest blessings; however, it requires humility and diligence to prepare for and create a happy, eternal family.
Four Lessons from One Life
Russell M. Nelson shares some of his greatest life lessons about the body, the spirit, the power of love, and the dependability of divine law.
Acres of Diamonds
You have immense worth, and the Lord is laying up a marvelous treasure for you. Have patience, and you may find acres of diamonds right in your front yard.
Eternal Love
In your search for love, do not be distracted by temptation or the fleeting need to be admired. Seek the pure, eternal love God has in store for you.
The Ingredients of Love
Paul teaches us that the ingredients of charity, or Christlike love, are such qualities as patience, meekness, gratitude, and humility.
Seek to Know the Shepherd
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Take the time to get to know the Savior and to emulate his love and example.
Five Ideals Contributing to a Happy and Enduring Marriage
President David O. McKay provides five ideals for a happy and enduring marriage during a Brigham Young University devotional address.
Eternal Marriage
Indescribable blessings come from eternal marriage. This speaker reminds young adults that temple marriage is an essential part of their journey to God.
Whom Shall I Marry?
Why is it important to marry in the faith, and in the temple? Because blessings await our families that can be found only through eternal covenants.
The Journey of Life
A BYU president shares five habits that will carry us through the journey of life: learning, loving, thinking, appreciation, and worship.