My “Why” Is My Love for the Savior
Connecting all we do to our love for the Savior and basing our “why” in that love will help us understand what it means to be His disciple.
Becoming a Disciple-Leader
We can become disciple-leaders by understanding the soul, heart, and mind of leadership, which work together to bring real power to leaders.
The Covenantal Journey of Disciple-Scholarship
As disciple-scholars, we embark on voyages of discovery and settlement, in which we look for landmarks to help us build a covenantal life.
The Tree, the Fruit, and the Building
From the symbols in Lehi's dream, we learn that sometimes we must stand alone in faith and Godly truth, even when it is not cool or popular.
Being Doers of the Word
Being a disciple of Christ means not just hearing the gospel and words of the prophets but also acting on those teachings.
Counting the Known (and Unknown) Costs of Discipleship
As we covenant to consecrate all we are and have to the Lord, we should remember to count the known and unknown costs of our discipleship.
Let Your Education Change You
To truly let our education change us, we must seek for truth, be humble, be patient, and make the Holy Ghost our constant companion.
Of Disciples and Higher Education
Access to a higher education of spiritual knowledge allows us to transcend our struggles and flaws and become more like our Savior.
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
We can become peacemakers to those around us by emulating the Savior and becoming representatives of the Prince of Peace.
Take Heed and Go Forth
"Take heed and go forth" means be humble and teachable in all aspects of life and know that God will provide the opportunities to learn.
Building a Beloved Community
We can build a “beloved community” daily by uniting with other Christians to face change together and invite all to come unto Christ.
The Dignity and Demeanor of Discipleship
Rebecca L. Craven explores what the dignity and demeanor of discipleship look like. Standing as a witness of God means standing out.
Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf imparts hope, strength, and joy by sharing five messages he believes all of God’s children need to hear.
Deepening Discipleship
Scott D. Whiting teaches how to deepen discipleship through obedience, endurance, and service to God and our fellowmen and women.
Spiritual Gifts
What are spiritual gifts? Why are they important? How can we develop them? Sister Worthen answers these questions and more in her devotional address.
Your Duty to God and Your Fellowmen
I hope that you, like Harvey Fletcher, engage in educational work while having instilled in your very being your duty to God and your fellowmen.
Mastered by Our Discipleship
As we provide inspired, experiential learning to students, we must examine situations from many angles and in the light of the gospel.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
The Doctrine of Christ: Our Daily Walk
The doctrine of Christ is simple, yet beautiful. Faith, repentance, ordinances, and the Holy Ghost should be part of our daily lives.
The Light of the Y
By cultivating the light of Christ within us as well as our own unique talents, we can be the lower lights to bring others to the Savior.
The Lord’s Pattern
The Church's global education initiative will help us prepare for greater future challenges. We must be better to learn and teach in the Lord's pattern.
Devoted Discipleship
Devoted disciples emulate Christlike attributes: faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity.
Disciples of Jesus Christ—Defenders of Marriage
Family life will be your most enduring reward. Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will be called upon as defenders of marriage and family.
Certification and Signaling
Michael J. Pinegar, BYU's Karl G. Maeser distinguished faculty lecturer, delivers a lecture about certification and signaling in our lives and covenants.
The Covenant Path
As we live our baptismal covenant and seek to do His will, we will watch the plan He has masterfully created for each one of us take shape.
Prophetic Priorities and Dedicated Disciples
Dedicated disciples focus on prophetic priorities, such as missionary work, preparing youth, and temple and family history work.
A Standard for the Nations
BYU August 2012 Commencement
Harvey and Howard: Lessons from Two Grandfathers
We can learn lessons from the stories of our ancestors.
Life’s Two Big Questions
Mark DeMoss speaks on life's two big questions and the answers we can get through the Lord, wise friends, and the book of Proverbs.
We Were the Greatest Generation
My generation was dubbed "the greatest generation." Though your "great depressions" and "world wars" will be different, I think that honor can be yours.
Finding Sanctuary
We can find personal sanctuary in counseling with the Lord, in our church meetings, in the temple, and in our relationships with others.
Going Forward with Faith During Difficult Times
The stories in this devotional will help motivate you to move forward with faith, even when life is difficult. When times seem tough, trust in God.
Seek and Attain the Spiritual High Ground in Life
Elder Hales teaches how we can stand "'faithful and true' always," on "spiritual high ground."
“Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ”
David Kooyman teaches that hope in Christ is based on experience and knowledge. If we remain steadfast in following the Lord, He'll bless us.
A Disciple’s Journey
The disciple's journey is one of opposition, sacrifice, and divine tutorial. However, its destination is the sweetest reward imaginable.
Push Back Against the World
Elder Dallin H. and Sister Kristen M. Oaks talk about dating, hope, and how to push back against the pressures of the world by keeping the Sabbath day holy.
True to the Faith
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." Guide your life by these principles—be true to the faith.
Peace on Earth—Some Restrictions Apply
Christ has known political turmoil, injustice, hardheartedness, and loss—and yet He is the Prince of Peace. He can give us peace on earth.
Exactness in Our Discipleship
Although it may be difficult for us to completely understand the inner workings of the Atonement of the Savior, we nonetheless know everything we need to know to be recipients of its power. The Atonement brings an enabling power into our lives—cleansing us, strengthening us, and buoying us up through the challenges of life that would derail us from the path we are striving to follow.
Everything I Know about Being a Mormon I Learned from Running Universities
Gee shares what he has learned from running universities, including how to be true to himself, humility, and appreciation for other's skills.
The Dedication of a Lifetime
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Make God and His Kingdom the Center of Your Life
As we increasingly love God and His kingdom and make them our primary focus, we will find that all of the "compartments" of our lives are blessed.
And with All Thy Mind
It is common for people to say that they love with their hearts, but what of their minds? John W. Welch explores what it means to love God with our mind.
Wars, Rumors of Wars, and Wise and Faithful Servants
In a world with “wars and rumors of wars,” we should strive to be wise and faithful servants by striving to love those who are different.
Achieving Your Full Potential
You will not succeed in achieving your full potential without strict adherence to God's commandments. Be honest with yourself about how you need to improve.
Establishing Eternal Patterns
It is never too late to establish eternal patterns that will lead you to accept greater blessings from the Lord. He is ready to bless you.
“Go Forth to Serve”
Henry B. Eyring reminds BYU graduates that an essential part of their education is learning what it means to be a servant of God and His children.
The Weight of the World
Everyone faces challenges, and Stice shows how we can help those who, for a time, are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.
“Lay Hold upon Every Good Thing”
We can navigate a changing world by laying hold on "every good thing:" eternal family, personal purity, and learning by study and faith.
Just Do What Needs to Be Done
Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley advises recent graduates to take action in all parts of their lives by just doing what needs to be done.
Living on the Lord’s Side of the Line
Choose to keep God's commandments and stay out of Satan's territory. We are promised safety and peace on the Lord's side of the line.
Service: The Essence of True Religion
Scriptures and modern prophets teach that service is the essence of "true religion." When doing good, we should be characterized by privacy and generosity.
The Pathway of Discipleship
The attributes of Christ are developed as we consciously and daily choose a life of discipleship to Him. Are we on a pathway of discipleship?
It Still Takes Faith
Brent L. Top shares inspiring pioneer stories. Though our trials may not be as dramatic as theirs, it still takes faith for us to follow God each day.
Reflections on Discipleship
Gaye Strathearn shares five principles on how to be disciples of Jesus Christ, including the costs and the blessings.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Between Two Gardens: The Law of Sacrifice
We live the law of sacrifice by sacrificing our time, items, or reputations. Sacrifice connects the events of the two gardens: Eden and Gethsemane.
“Called to Serve”
Each of us has been called to serve in God’s kingdom. That service will require all that we have but will reward us with all that He has.
“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”
The Book of Mormon must not be neglected. Its testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ ought to be the center or our faith.
The Fruits of Obedience
Many fruits come from obedience: peace, discipline, the capacity to work, love of service, confidence, and character.
The Children of Christ
Neal A. Maxwell expounds on the nature of Christ and those who become His children through obeying His gospel and becoming like Him.
Being a Worthy You
As we become the most worthy versions of ourselves and strive to lift others, the Lord will be able to use us to build His kingdom.
The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism
Jesus Christ and His disciples know what it means to stand firm for the "duration of the war" - to drink the bitter cup in the battle between good and evil.
“Meek and Lowly”
The world equates meekness to weakness, but that is not true. Only the meek and lowly in heart are prepared to serve in the Lord's vineyard.
I’ll Go, I’ll Do, I’ll Be: Three Steps Toward A Monumental Life
To create a strong, inspiring, and monumental life, one must learn to go, do, and be all that the Lord requires and asks of us.
The Demands of Discipleship
The root of disciple is found in discipline. We need the discipline to keep high standards, to take advantage of our opportunities, and to love one another.
A Born-Again Christian
What does it mean to be born again? Baptism becomes effective through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and bring us into His family.
To the Lonely and Misunderstood
Life may seem unfair and unsatisfactory to the lonely and misunderstood, but purpose can be found through faith, repentance, obedience, and service.
Grounded, Rooted, Established, and Settled
When the storms of life come to test our faith, we must be prepared. As a sturdy tree, be grounded, rooted, established, and settled in Jesus Christ.
The Game of Life
In some ways, life is like a sports game. You need to keep your eye on the prize, to play by the rules, and to help your teammates.
The Loneliness of Leadership
To be covenant children of God is a call to leadership. The price for such leadership is often loneliness, but peace of conscience is the reward.
We Have to Pay the Price
We should strive to be an uncommon people, a people who are willing to pay the price of discipleship regardless of the world's attitudes.
Be Ye An Exponent of Christ
It is your calling to be a witness, an example, and, in short, an exponent of Christ in a world that is moving further and further away from Him.
“What I Like about the Mormons”
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Walk the High Way
Remember that each choice you make, each path you walk, will have a different destination. Choose the high way, the Lord's way, that will bring you joy.
“The Lord Is My Shepherd; I Shall Not Want”
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must make the decision that we shall not want for charity, for righteousness, for devotion, for testimony.
Blessings We Receive Through Membership in the Church
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Two Contending Forces
There will always be two contending forces at play: love and hate, good and evil, light and darkness. Where will your loyalty lie?
Be Secure in the Gospel
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True Christianity: The Ideal for Humanity
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