

Why We Appreciate BYU

What we do say will be almost in shorthand form, but hopefully it will reflect our appreciation and gratitude for what has shaped and is influencing the lives of those who are able to have a BYU experience. We believe BYU helps us all be better people, but we must always remember that does not mean that anyone here is better than anyone else not directly connected to this unique university.

On the Lord’s Errand

My remarks this morning will be a little different from those I have given in years past. Each fall in this setting I have given a report on several aspects of our university work or discussed the ongoing cycle of our administrative review or explained the allocation of resources or on and on and on. And usually I have gone on and on and on. My mood and my feelings…

The Y in Y-o-u

As I contemplated the Y on the mountain above this campus, and how students hike each year to keep it white and clean, I thought, "I hope there is a Y in each of your hearts, and that you examine it daily to keep it pure and clean."