

Tenacious Faith and Selfless Service

If we show tenacious faith and are prepared to lose ourselves in service, our Father in Heaven will prepare the way for us to accomplish all that He asks of us. I pray that we can be instruments in our Father in Heaven’s hands in doing His will and that we will find great and eternal joy in His service.

“Serve the Lord with Gladness”

Our testimonies let us trust that we are part of a very important pattern in building the kingdom of God, even if we can’t see it in its entirety. Every skill, talent, and ability we have, whether inborn or developed in callings or other areas of our lives, helps us be more serviceable in the kingdom.

This Ministry of Mobility

Elder Ballard, President Nadauld, President Bateman, faculty, ladies, gentlemen, and, most important, distinguished graduates, thank you very much for inviting me to be part of this special day. Since I didn’t go to college, this honorary degree is especially meaningful to me. Thank you. At a Senate hearing in Washington a few months ago, a senator and a cabinet secretary got into an argument over who was poorer growing up.…