“These Foolish Things”
Faith in Christ and miracles may seem foolish, but being “fools for Christ” shows that the impossible becomes possible through His Atonement.
God Loves Underdogs
With God’s grace we can overcome the impossible. We experience His grace—and more miracles—when we choose to be a miracle for someone else.
Finding Direction in Uncertainty
When faced with uncertainty, we can move forward with faith, knowing that God will lead us on our personal paths.
Fear Not and Return with Honor
We must follow Christ by exercising faith and keeping an eternal perspective to fulfill life’s mission and return with honor to our Father in Heaven.
Observation, Reason, Faith, and Revelation
Observation, reason, and faith facilitate revelation and enable the Holy Ghost to be a reliable, trustworthy, and beloved companion.
Where Else but at BYU?
BYU fosters deep thinkers anchored in faith in all disciplines, who can reconcile scholarly observations with an authentic belief in God.
Allowing Your Faith in Jesus Christ to Guide Your Life
Faith in Christ can guide our lives as we cultivate a relationship with God, rely on Him, remain hopeful, and spiritually prepare for trials.
Flashes of Light
The Lord has asked us to walk through the darkness of mortality, but He also provides flashes of light to grow our faith and reveal the way.
Eternal Perspective Through Owning Our Testimony
Taking charge of our own testimony means partnering with the Lord to steadily grow and develop ourselves to become more refined and faithful.
“To Believe on Their Words”
“To believe on their words” doesn’t mean relying on the faith of others but borrowing a spark to light your own testimony aflame.
Pointing Our Souls to Christ
By “Pointing Our Souls to Christ,” we gain divine help and develop a closeness to Him that strengthens us on our journey to our Heavenly home.
Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell shares ways to stay connected to the one true source of knowledge—Jesus Christ—so we can make it safely back home to our Father in Heaven.
Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
In Awe: The Astonishing Goodness of God
John B. Bingham invites us to contemplate the goodness of God in awe by acting to believe, recording experiences, and seeking "thin" places.
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
The Transformative Power of Faith and Art
Janalee Emmer shares how both faith and art transform our hearts and foster empathy. Art can help us see the world from a new perspective.
Five Unexpected Things My Research Taught Me
Ramona Hopkins, recipient of BYU's prestigious Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Lecturer Award, discusses 5 things her research has taught her.
Faith and Science: Symbiotic Pathways to Truth
Dr. Jamie L. Jensen explains the symbiotic relationship between faith and science. The two can fit together without conflict.
What it Means to Be Educated
Eboo Patel discusses how to be educated in today's interfaith world. It is necessary to understand others to bridge religious divides.
The Education of the American Mind
Melody Barnes speaks about the compatibility of science and faith while exploring what it means to educate the American mind.
The Process and Power of Hope
Kevin J Worthen discusses hope in both a worldly and gospel context. Gospel-centered hope can purify us and prepare us for eternal life.
Faith and Courage to Move Forward
Peggy S. Worthen reminds listeners that faith and courage are intimately connected. When faith flourishes, so does the courage to progress.
How to Act While Being Acted Upon
President Kevin J Worthen shares insights on how we should act despite outside influences, while sharing examples from the campus community.
“Could We Have Supposed?”
The Lord directs our lives in ways that we could not have supposed, and we can see this in our personal experiences and in the scriptures.
Meekly Placing Our Total Trust in God
As we encounter challenges in life, yoking ourselves with and meekly placing our total trust in God will allow us to reap the rewards of a faithful life.
Faith Still Precedes the Miracle
Mark L. Pace teaches that just as in scriptural times, faith still precedes the miracle in our day. We can show our faith by keeping God's commandments.
Why Mountains?
While hiking the Grand Tetons, Michael Dunn learned how climbing mountains—both literal and metaphorical—helps us develop strength, courage, and faith.
Religious Education in BYU’s Prophetic Historical Context
The best way for a Latter-day Saint student to reconcile the competing values of faith and intellect is to be mentored by teachers and leaders whose daily lives, attitudes, and teaching authentically demonstrate how deep religious faith and demanding intellectual rigor are mutually reinforcing.
The Real Value of a BYU Education
President Kevin J Worthen teaches that the real value of a BYU education lies in the opportunity to integrate intellect with emotion and faith.
The Gift of Uncertainty
Can we come to see uncertainty as a positive thing? Amy Tanner explains how the gift of uncertainty can increase our hope in God’s miracles.
“The Undiscover’d Country”: Navigating Toward the Future
Professor Chris Crowe uses experiences from his own life to teach that prayer is our key to navigating toward the future.
Choose to Trust the Lord
Everyone experiences trials and difficulties in life, but if we choose to trust in the Lord, He can see us through to the end.
Stand Forever
How can we faithfully discover the answers to our difficult questions? Elder Corbridge suggests how to keep the faith when we have moments of uncertainty.
Humble Uncertainty
Exercising humility and honesty when seeking answers to life's questions cultivates within us a humble uncertainty which expands our understanding.
“Thy Troubles to Bless”
When adversity challenges your faith, remember that you can trust God, "thy troubles to bless." In His hands, trials can change us and teach us of His love.
The Faith to Do His Will
Though it is not always easy, God expects us to trust in Him. Beth Luthy shares how having the faith to do His will caused miracles to happen in her life.
Lessons from Roses: Trust Yourself and Trust God
When others question your beliefs and choices, it is tempting to panic and doubt yourself. Instead, trust in the things you know to be true.
The Power of Your Words
"Faith works by words," said Joseph Smith. Replacing self-doubt with power words can remove fear and increase performance in your life.
Do We Really Believe?
Discipleship means to turn to God for answers to their questions and to align their actions with their faith in order to "really believe."
Awakenings: Living as Believers in the Nation We Have Now
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput urges us to live as believers on a national scale, defend our faith, and support each other, no matter our denomination.
Guided Safely Home
Exercising faith in God’s plan leads to eternal life. If we are faithful, we will be guided safely home.
“Daddy, Is Jesus Real?” Overcoming Fear through Faith in Christ
God is real. His Son is real. Our faith in them will be strengthened as we learn more completely about them and have sacred experiences with them.
The Allegory of the Wedding Cake
At times your life will be like making a wedding cake. You will have the right ingredients but no guarantee of success. Will you proceed with faith or fear?
The Return of the King
Elder Larry Y. Wilson reminds us that we must be prepared for the return of our King, Jesus Christ. He gives suggestions on how to prepare.
Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth
We are children of God who lived with Him before we came to Earth. We can live with Him again after this life.
Faith and Reason: The Appropriation of Knowledge and Truth
Robert P. George stresses the need for both faith and reason in universities, in the creation, preservation, transmission, and appropriation of knowledge.
The Tie Between Science and Religion
The tie between science and religion is strong because both science and religion follow set laws that govern our lives and the world.
Tenacity is persistence, perseverance, and determination. Be tenacious in all good things and be tenacious when trials come.
Wandering and Wondering
We can use the examples of wandering and wondering to return to Heavenly Father and navigate the modern question of faith and reason.
Faith to Forgive Grievous Harms: Accepting the Atonement as Restitution
The faith to forgive, like faith to repent, shows our trust in the Atonement, which provides restitution and heals us from wrongs.
What Happens When Life Gets One Degree Colder?
What should we do when our situation seems hopeless? If we have faith, courage, hope, and trust, God will bless us and miracles will occur in our lives.
Harvey and Howard: Lessons from Two Grandfathers
We can learn lessons from the stories of our ancestors.
Faith: An Essential Principle of the Gospel
Some things are good, but others are essential. Faith in Christ is an essential principle that allows us to repent, trust God's promises, and obey Him.
To Live Well
Jesus Christ will guide you in your life. Use your faith so that you can be an instrument in His hands.
A Brave Generation
Elder Gonzalez tells of three areas in which the present generation will need to exercise bravery and courage.
Be Still, and Know God
Instead of stressing or blaming, sometimes it is best to “be still,” become humble, and put your trust in God, believing that all is well.
The Most Important Three Things in the World
Faith, hope, and charity are like a three-legged stool, each equally important to support us in our journey to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
Building upon the Rock
Elder Jay E. Jensen demonstrates the importance of building upon the rock of Jesus Christ by anchoring ourselves in His word.
Going Forward with Faith During Difficult Times
The stories in this devotional will help motivate you to move forward with faith, even when life is difficult. When times seem tough, trust in God.
“Remember Lot’s Wife”
The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We remember the blessings and the lessons, but then we look with faith toward the future.
Some Lessons on Faith and Fear
Gregory Clark teaches about the relationship between faith and fear. They oppose each other and cannot be present in the same moment.
Faith, Family, and Friendship
The power of faith, family, and friendship can help develop a testimony and bring about happiness and peace.
Mixing Reason and Faith
Although most American universities are increasingly secular, faith is important to many people. At BYU, faith and reason complement each other.
Faith and Works in a Secular World
In navigating this confusing world, we will need strong faith and works that are the sustaining evidence of our faith in Christ.
Faith and Joy
Just as an architect spends years mastering the concept of a single principle to do their work, so should we spend our lives perfecting our faith.
Discerning the Will of the Lord for Me
Lanae Valentine teaches strategies that improve our ability to discern the will of the Lord. He is eager to answer us if we will listen.
The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee
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Living Right
BYU graduates are counseled to live right and be obedient to the Spirit. Integrity is the bedrock of character.
The Wind Beneath Your Wings
At times we will go through trials and need to be lifted up. Control, attitude, and faith in God's power will create wind beneath our wings.
Science, Faith, and the Nobel Prize
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Rely upon the Lord
We can rely on and trust the Lord. He never forgets any of us or any of our needs.
Faith, Reason, Knowledge, and Truth
The gospel of Jesus Christ redefines faith, reason, knowledge, and truth and helps us avoid worldly issues.
“Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence”
Trust in a perfect God gives us the confidence to act in faith, even when faced with difficult decisions or paralyzing fear.
Nourishing the Tree
Just as we must nourish our physical bodies with food, we need to feed our spirits by feasting on gospel nourishment daily.
Knowing What You Believe, Believing What You Know
You should study Church doctrine to know what you believe, but equally important is believing what you know, which requires trusting spiritual experiences.
Trusting God When Things Go Wrong
It is inevitable that life will not go according to plan at times. Rather than complain, we must learn to trust God when things go wrong.
“Watching It Rain”
David M. Randall invites us to "watch it rain," or in other words, use artwork as a means of envisioning the Savior and resisting temptation.
It Still Takes Faith
Brent L. Top shares inspiring pioneer stories. Though our trials may not be as dramatic as theirs, it still takes faith for us to follow God each day.
A Faith That Preserves and Strengthens
Just as Abraham trusted in the Lord for the promised land and a promised son, we can have faith in His perfect love and promised blessings.
Divine Designs: Tracing the Lord’s “Pattern in All Things”
From a sick opera star to a missionary’s lost contact lens, Richard H. Cracroft shows how the Lord's divine designs are evident in our lives.
Faith of Our Fathers
The faith of our fathers - both our own ancestors as well as the pioneers of the gospel - give us inspiring examples to revere and emulate.
“A More Excellent Hope”
We yearn for hope not just in this life but for eternity. Our hope is bolstered by understanding faith and charity, the pure love of Christ.
A Legacy of Faith
The legacy of faith laid by the early Saints of the Church helps us to have strength and faith through our challenges today.
On How We Know
How do we know that God exists? Truman G. Madsen poses questions, philosophical truths and “religious undergirding experiences” to explore the topic.
Increasing Faith, Reaffirming Trust, Rekindling Love
As we seek the "assurance" and the "evidence" (grand as well as personal) of God's Plan of Salvation and all "things hoped for," we are increasing faith.
The Lord Is at the Helm
Though the world is often cynical, negative, and hopeless, because of the faith we have in Jesus Christ we can have optimism and seek the positive.
“And Also By Faith”
It is important to seek learning by study, but let us not forget to seek knowledge “also by faith,” through obedience, prayer, and diligence.
“Out of Small Things Proceedeth That Which Is Great”
Contrary to how most of the world works, the Lord manages to turn seemingly insignificant and small things into great miracles.
Lessons That Have Helped Me
Although everyone on earth has a different experience, the lessons that have helped people lead a good life are universal.
“One Step Enough”
The uncertainty of the future may elicit feelings of fear, but with faith in God we can approach the unknown one step at a time.
The Edge of the Light
Elder Boyd K. Packer teaches that we should be grateful for the blessings of studying at BYU and to learn from those who teach and correct us.
Fruits of Faith
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Fear Not
Patricia Holland reminds students that often fear is our greatest enemy. As we follow the scriptural admonition to "fear not," our faith is magnified.
Women of Faith
What does it mean to be a woman of faith? Patricia Holland addresses this topic in her BYU address, encouraging women to recognize their divine identity.
An Untroubled Faith
How can we have the kind of simple, pure, untroubled faith that moves mountains and brings peace? Build and nurture faith on a solid foundation.
A Return to Full Belief in God
George P. Lee calls for an individual and worldwide return to full belief in God and His gospel, as opposed to half-believing and counterfeit faith.
Begin with the End in Mind
When we die, what do we want to have defined our lives? For Russell M. Nelson, it is service to mankind, family, and faith in God.
Renewal of Mind and Heart
Relielf Society General President Barbara B. Smith speaks to graduates of Brigham Young University, sharing how they can use their education to better themselves and better the world.
Walking on the Water
Optimism leads to hope, which leads to faith. If we can come to remember the glorious things we once knew, our faith can be limitless as walking on water.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Faith in the Lord is more than just a passive feeling. True faith is a principle of action and sacrifice, and it brings about miracles.
Love Is Not Blind: Some Thoughts for College Students on Faith and Ambiguity
We face ambiguity when reality does not meet the ideal. Faith and ambiguity are both possible once we learn that to God, love is not blind, but bound.
The Faith, Strength, and Service of Youth
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“A House of Faith”
To achieve BYU’s prophetic destiny, we must know its role in the kingdom of God, be fearless in sharing the gospel, and seek God's will.
The Weightier Matters of the Law
We are sometimes so caught up in unimportant things that we omit the weightier matters of the gospel: righteous judgment, mercy, and faith.
God Shall Give unto You Knowledge by His Holy Spirit
Gordon B. Hinckley shares that through faith, you will be led by the Holy Spirit. Faith has the miraculous power to change the hearts of men.
Peter, My Brother
Spencer W. Kimball highlights the faith and devotion of the apostle Peter during his ministry. The Savior loved and forgave him, and so should we.
When Thou Art Converted
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Lord, Increase Our Faith
Bruce R. McConkie discusses the teaching of Joseph Smith that faith is power. He shares ways to enlarge and increase our faith in the Lord.
“And Be Not Faithless But Believing”
The Lord has commanded us to "be not faithless, but believing." Faith in Jesus Christ can help us overcome any challenge or obstacle in life.
We Are Here to Be Tried, Tested, Proved
When viewed from the perspective of eternity, this life is only a brief moment. In that moment, we are being tried, tested, proved, and taught by our Father in Heaven. Will we be faithful to Him?
Faith, the Key to Happiness
Faith in God is the key to happiness. Unlike anything else, He offers peace, freedom from fear, and the joy of knowing our eternal potential.
Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace
To face difficult decisions and tests of our faith, we must be armed with the spiritual preparation that comes from consistent righteousness.
“According to Your Faith”
The Lord promises, "according to your faith, so shall it be unto you." The blessings we seek are predicated on our faith to ask, to obey, and to act.
Put Your Hand into the Hand of God
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A Simple Faith: Don’t Try to Rationalize
Sometimes we ruin our simple faith by trying too hard to understand everything. Sometimes we can't rationalize; we just believe.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.
The Charted Course of the Church in Education
You are not to teach the philosophies of the world, ancient or modern, pagan or Christian, for this is the field of the public schools. Your sole field is the gospel, and that is boundless in its own sphere.